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Chapter 19: Cozy Day In

It was a lazy Sunday afternoon, and Virat had planned a cozy day at home for him, Aashna, and Kiara. They decided to spend the day watching movies, cooking together, and just enjoying each other's company.

"Okay, what movie are we watching first?" Virat asked, holding up the tv remote. Kiara was already bouncing on the couch, clutching her favorite stuffed elephant.

"I want to watch 'Finding Nemo'!" Kiara exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

"Good choice," Aashna said, settling onto the couch beside Kiara. "I love that movie."

Virat smiled and played the movie. As the opening credits rolled, he joined them on the couch, wrapping an arm around Aashna's shoulders. Kiara snuggled between them, her eyes glued to the screen.

Throughout the movie, Kiara giggled and pointed at the screen, completely absorbed in the story. Aashna and Virat exchanged amused glances, enjoying her reactions as much as the film itself.

"Look, it's Dory!" Kiara shouted, laughing at the forgetful fish.

"She's funny, isn't she?" Aashna said, gently stroking Kiara's hair.

"Yeah, she's my favorite," Kiara replied, leaning against Aashna.

After the movie ended, Kiara stretched and looked up at her dad. "Daddy, can we make cookies now?"

"Of course, sweetheart," Virat said, standing up and offering his hand to Aashna. "Come on, let's make some delicious cookies."

They headed to the kitchen, where Virat had already laid out all the ingredients. Aashna tied a small apron around Kiara and then put one on herself. Virat put on his apron last, and they all got to work.

Kiara was in charge of mixing the dry ingredients, her small hands moving the spoon with determined concentration. Aashna handled the wet ingredients, carefully measuring out vanilla extract and cracking eggs. Virat took charge of the oven, preheating it and preparing the baking trays.

"Okay, what's next, Chef Kiara?" Virat asked, lifting Kiara up so she could pour the dry ingredients into the bowl.

"We mix them together!" Kiara announced, her face lighting up.

They took turns mixing the dough, with Virat sneakily swiping a bit to taste. "Mmm, tastes perfect," he said, winking at Aashna.

"Hey, save some for the cookies!" Aashna teased, laughing.

They shaped the dough into cookies and placed them on the trays. Kiara insisted on adding chocolate chips, carefully placing each one with the precision of a true artist.

Once the cookies were in the oven, they returned to the living room. Kiara insisted on showing Aashna her favorite cartoons, so they put on a few episodes while waiting for the cookies to bake.

As they watched, Virat leaned over and whispered to Aashna, "This is nice. Just spending time together like this."

"It really is," Aashna agreed, resting her head on his shoulder. "I could get used to this."

The smell of freshly baked cookies soon filled the air, and Kiara jumped up, her eyes wide. "The cookies are ready!"

They hurried to the kitchen, and Virat carefully pulled the trays out of the oven. The cookies were golden brown and smelled divine. They let them cool for a few minutes before digging in.

"Yum, these are the best cookies ever!" Kiara declared, munching on one happily.

"They're pretty good," Aashna said, taking a bite. "Great job, Kiara."

"Thanks, Aashu," Kiara said, beaming.

Virat grabbed his phone and snapped a picture of Kiara and Aashna with their cookies.

Virat posted the photo on his Instagram  with the caption, "new MasterChefs in the house" Aashna did the same, adding a heart emoji to her post

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Virat posted the photo on his Instagram  with the caption, "new MasterChefs in the house" Aashna did the same, adding a heart emoji to her post.

After their cookie feast, they decided to watch another movie. This time, they chose a classic romantic comedy that Aashna loved. They all settled back onto the couch, with Kiara snuggled between them.

Halfway through the movie, Kiara fell asleep, her head resting on Aashna's lap. Virat gently adjusted a blanket over her, then put his arm around Aashna, pulling her close.

"This feels perfect," Virat murmured, his voice soft.

"It really does," Aashna agreed, looking up at him. "I'm so happy right now."

They watched the rest of the movie in comfortable silence, enjoying the warmth and closeness of the moment. When the credits rolled, Virat turned to Aashna, his eyes full of affection.

"I know it's early, but I want you to know that this... us... it means a lot to me," he said quietly.

"It means a lot to me too, Vi," Aashna replied, her heart full.
"Vi?" Virat asked in amusement
"Whaat?, it's my nickname for you"
"Okay aashu" he replied sheepishly
They sat together for a while longer, watching Kiara sleep peacefully. It was a simple, perfect day, filled with love and laughter. And in that moment, they knew they were building something beautiful together, one cozy day at a time.

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