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Rue had barely enjoyed the night. As she scrolled down her feeds, she was surprised to see the photos people had posted from his parent's event. Her brain had been on high alert to even savor the moment. However, that wasn't her primary objective when she opened her social media. She was checking if any of those photos and videos had been leaked to the public.

"Stop torturing yourself," Tony said.

Rue wished dawn would arrive fast. She wanted this to be behind her and, more than ever, just disappear to her faraway university.

Oh shit! What if it was going to leak and just like high school, she won't enjoy any peace at the university? Where was she going to hide?

"I can't even show my face out there?" she lamented. "People will just think I am a slut. The first man I trust and this happens." She cried further.

"First man?" Tony asked.

She nodded, "Mmh."

"He was your first?" he asked again, giving her a look like he didn't believe her.

"You don't believe me, I am doomed for sure," she said, thinking if Tony didn't, who would.

He shook his head with remorse, "I am just surprised, I just thought..."

"You thought that I am easy?" she cut him short.

"You are pretty and you ignored my advances always. I thought there was someone else," he said.

"Now you have your answer who somebody else was," she said with a hint of embarrassment.

Tony came near her; they were seated on her only sofa. His blazer lay discarded beside him, and he unbuttoned his shirt, giving him a rugged look. He looked handsome, unlike Mr. Fox's skin. Rue liked Tony's smooth and glossy look of youthfulness. It was full of innocence and no experience of life. It was as if his very presence promised a fresh start.

"I too once had a crush on an older woman," Tony confided.

Rue didn't believe anything he said. She assumed that it was just a way to make her feel better. So she decided to indulge him to see where it would end, "And what happened?"

"She moved," he finished off, disappointing Rue. She hoped he would be creative enough to create a whole story. Either way, she managed to smile at him.

Tony yawned, "We should sleep. I am okay on this couch," he said. Earlier, Rue had tried to send him home, but he refused, saying he would be on her side till morning.

Rue got him something to cover himself. He looked ridiculous laying on that couch with his legs hanging.

"My bed is not that small; you are only going to wake up with a neck ache," she offered.

"It is tempting, but I will pass," he replied.

They said their goodnights, and she went to her bed. Once she was comfortable, she took her new phone that Tony got her to text Xana.

Rue: I need to talk to you urgently

Xana: 😒🙄😏

Rue contemplated just sleeping and letting Xana find out the hard way. But she couldn't and she knew how to get under Xana's skin.

Rue: Fine, be a child, you immature twat.

Xana: At least I am immature and not a fool like you. What would you be in this world without your books?

Rue knew that at least now that Xana was responding to her and she had gotten her more angry, there was a chance she could listen.

Rue: Let's meet tomorrow and I will show you.

Xana: In your dreams.

Rue smiled, turning off her phone. She knew whoever left the other on read had the upper hand, and she was sure Xana would be looking for her by dawn.

Rue couldn't move due to the weight on her body. A loud knock had woken her up. She struggled to turn, only to find Tony breathing on her. He had overestimated his survival mode and thought he could sleep on a couch. When he stumbled to her bed, she smiled. He wasn't like her; she had learned to survive in the most uncomfortable situations.

He opened his eyes and smiled, "Is it too early?" he asked, just as another knock came.

Rue shook her head and alighted from the bed, picking up a robe to cover herself. The pounding continued.

"My God!" Rue swung the door open.

She didn't see it coming as Xana jumped on her, both of them falling on the floor.

"Get off me, you crazy girl," Rue tried to push away, but with her being on top, she had an advantage to overpower her.

"Hey," she saw Tony rush in.

Xana wasn't letting go even when Tony pulled her. "Calm down," he told her.

He finally managed to peel her off Rue and locked the door. "She started it," Xana pointed fingers.

"You better listen; your father is going to prison," Rue said.

Xana shook her head in disbelief.

"At least you won't be caught by surprise," Rue started to walk towards the couch.

Tony tried to calm Xana down, and he finally succeeded. She heard him explain what he had told her last night.

"It is not possible, he... said," Xana stopped herself.

"Did you know what he was doing?" Rue asked, surprised.

"No, I didn't know he was recording my friends. It only happened once."

"What happened once?" Rue was confused.

"Monique..." Xana's lip quivered. Rue did remember her; she was Xana's friend, and they just moved. "He said she is the one who threw herself at him and promised me it would never happen again."

Rue was surprised by the information because she didn't see Monique in any of the photos or videos and wondered what more she didn't know.

"Monique moved like seven years ago," Rue muttered. Monique was older than them; she must have been fourteen.

Xana nodded, "My stepmom found out, and she wanted to leave. I was scared to lose another mother, but eventually forgave him."

Rue's mind raced with new discoveries and thoughts because seven years ago was when Sara and Sasha's mother died.

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