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Angie's eyes stayed on Rue, she observed her with a confused glare. Rue pulled down her unsalvageable short dress. It was flimsy and scandalous.

Mr. Fox took long strides toward Angie, he welcomed her with a hug and Rue felt like someone had burned her chest with a hot rod. Every time Mr. Fox was with Angie, Rue felt like she was being punished for a heinous crime she had committed.

"I thought I would surprise you with lunch," Angie spoke.

She was met with a chuckle from Mr. Fox, he seemed smitten by her. Is that how he preferred his women, older and used food to trap men? Rue didn't trust Angie, She couldn't understand a woman whose existence wasn't known until a few days ago had charmed her way into hardcore Mr. Fox. A man who had sworn off women for years.

"You should stay, Rue. Have lunch with us." Angie offered. Rue had no intention of leaving, she dreaded what they would be doing once she left and she didn't want that to happen.

Rue jumped down from the table and stood. Mr. Fox pulled some seats that were meant for his client and asked them to sit. She was quick to choose the one that was next to Mr. Fox rendering Angie on the further end. She was satisfied with them not sitting together. If Angie noticed and was in any way offended, she did not show. She remained calm, approachable, and cheerful.

"I am sure Rue would rather be with her peers, breaking all the rules." Mr. Fox spoke.

"I don't have anything in common with my peers and there's only one rule I wish to break." She said hoping Mr. Fox would pick on her hint.

"Let the girl eat with us, she reminds me of myself when I was her age." Angie defended her.

And how many centuries are those? Rue thought to herself.

Rue smiled, a smile that never reached her eyes, "If you insist." She spoke her eyes set on Mr. Fox. He did not look pleased with her stay. Rue had to wonder if it was because he really wanted her gone or if her presence made him apprehensive.

Angie removed two salad dishes and two bottles of water. Rue waited for more food to appear and realized that is all they were having. Salads were not her thing, she preferred a full meal that forced her to unbutton her pants to breathe.

Poor Mr. Fox! She thought of how he would suffer for not having a decent meal. Salads were not the ideal meal for an active, busy man.

Angie took another plastic dish from Mr. Fox's cabinet and divided the meal into three. She passed the meal to them. Rue watched how Mr. Fox struggled to swallow the salad. She wished she could tell him that if they were together, he would be having proper adult food. She knew him better and what he liked, unlike Angie who didn't care to know.

She didn't bother to please Angie, she put her salad aside and watched them as they ate. Angie stopped and glared at her, "Don't you like the salad?" She asked.

"I am allergic to Lettuce." She lied.

"Lettuce?" She eyed her skeptical, "I have never heard of that one." She added.

"It is not common." Rue replied.

"Is there actually a lettuce allergy?" She asked Mr. Fox, swiveling her head.

"There is," Mr. Fox confirmed, his eyes searching Rue. He knew she wasn't allergic and couldn't understand why she lied.

"Well, next time i will remember that," Angie announced cheerful, it wasn't the reaction Rue was aiming for.

There will be no next time, Rue thought to herself.

"Let me ask my assistant to get you a snack from the vending machine." Mr. Fox addressed Rue. She nodded in agreement and the two women watched him walk out.

Rue pretended to be on her phone but she kept a side eye on Angie

"I know what you are doing," Angie said and Rue lifted her head, her eyes filled with feign innocence.

"Mmh?" She lifted her brow pretending not have heard her.

"You have a crush on Mr. Fox and you are trying everything to seduce him." Angie spoke.

"So what if I do?" Rue asked, looking at her briefly before turning away. It felt good to say the words she wished she could shout to the world.

Angie laughed out loud, "Oh, child!" She breathed, "Why are you wasting your time on silly teenage crushes?" She enquired.

"I don't believe in the placid truism that it's just a teenage crush and it will fade away with time. I looooove him and i'm certain he is the one." Rue spoke with pride.

"You can't have him because he is mine." Angie warned, shooting Rue a stern look hoping she would wilt.

Rue wasn't easy to intimidate and she had already built an imaginary life with Mr. Fox to just give up so easily.

Rue shook her head in disbelief, "You just met, i have know him all my existence." She replied.

"And yet here i am, with him. So back off little girl!" Angie warned Rue. Rue didn't react, she assumed that Angie's words were a rage bait.

Mr. Fox walked in and found Rue and Angie in a cold stare war. "I got you barbecue chips, your favorite." He told Rue.

"You know me too well," She said sultry, her eyes on Angie.

"I do." Mr. Fox replied.

"And i better go, i know their must be a line waiting for your services Dr. Fox." Rue teased.

He smiled and Angie seemed annoyed.

"I'll see you later." Mr. Fox said.

"You will find me waiting at home," Rue ensured that she stressed the word Home, and was pleased with the expression on Angie's face. 

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