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Rue felt like her world was crumbling under her feet as Mr. Fox stared at her like she had grown another head. She wished he would say something, anything.

And after what felt like an eternity he laughed, it started slow then progressed into a long deep laugh. She felt humiliated and hated it.

"Oh, Rue! You shouldn't go saying things like that." He finally stopped laughing and answered.

"But I do love you Mr. Fox" She insisted not knowing how to best put it.

"You are a kid and when you say stuff like that bad people may use it to their advantage."

"I know you. You are not a bad person."

"You can never know, Rue." He said.

She had not imagined it to be a challenge once she confessed her feeling. And the fact that it was proving to be one, she felt frustrated to her core.

"I am not a child I know what I want and it is you." She was relentless and willing to put up a fight.

"In my eyes, you will always be." Mr. Fox answered.

Tired of her words having no impact, Rue took long strides toward him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She quickly brought his lips to hers before he would resist her. And just for a fraction of a second. She had experienced her first kiss. Not how she had planned but at least it was with Mr. Fox as she had wished it to be.

He watched her surprised by her bold act. He was speechless.

"See, I am not a child. I am sure you felt my body and nothing about it feels like a kid." Rue was not about to give up.

"Rue..." He opened his mouth and shut it.

"Mr. Fox." She whispered his name, sensually.

"You know I hate it when you call me that. We are family." He reminded her.

"I don't want us to be family." She pouted. "At least not in that way." She added, just to be clear. She had fantasized having a family with him for a while.

Mr. Fox rubbed his temple. He seemed very exhausted. Rue was aware but in her selfish mind, she wanted to add more to his fatigue until he had no energy to reject her.

"You are a lovely kid..." Mr. Fox was interrupted by angry Rue.

"I am a woman." She reminded him.

"I don't doubt that, Rue."

"Then what is it? Here I am offering myself to you." She said in an almost whisper.

"One day you will understand." He said.

She was silent and she stared at her feet, thinking. She couldn't understand why he was playing hard to get. Any man would be ravishing her now, worshipping her body, but not Mr. Fox. Had she imagined it or he just enjoyed tormenting her? If she recalled well, he did make sexual comments to her. He did seem like he wanted her, she was sure she had experienced them.

She took a step closing the space between them. She lifted her crop top and felt the cool breeze on her tits, immediately hardening them. Mr. Fox swallowed a hard gulp.

"See, these don't grow on a kid." She said. His eyes remained fixed on her chest and that was enough to get her wet. "Touch them." She said.

He hesitate and Rue could see that he wanted to. Who wouldn't?

She waited to feel his touch on her but his hands remained tensed on his sides. She extended her hand and took his hand. It was rigid at first, but as Rue brought it to her chest, he relaxed. She placed his hand over her perky hard tit. It was like a dream. No man had touched her, yet it felt like how she had imagined it.

"Don't be shy, caress it." She ordered him.

She felt his thumb move over her nipple. And she moaned to his touch. Lust consumed him and his other hand moved to her other tit, fondling it with an animalist want.

"Dad! Rue!" They both stopped at Xana's voice.

Rue pulled her crop top-down and Mr.Fox took a safe step back.

Xana stopped by the kitchen entrance like she sensed something had happened. However, Rue knew Xana was too oblivious to a lot of things.

"Dad!" She called out, "You are home early." She commented.

"I wanted to spend time with you guys." He said and Rue looked at him curious to know if he also meant her included.

"You should have told me earlier to reschedule my day." Xana seemed disappointed. Rue understood her, Mr. Fox was a busy man running a small clinic and was hardly at home. She and Xana looked forward to the days he would be free.

"Noted." He smiled at her.

Xana turned to her friend, Rue. "I have something to tell you." She pulled her along.

Rue followed Xana unwillingly, she wanted to finish what she had started with Mr. Fox.

"Mat wants us to have sex." Xana confided to Rue.

"You shouldn't," Rue said.

"I need you to support me now not hate on him." Xana pleaded.

"He will just break your heart. You should save yourself for someone you have a future with. " Rue answered.

"Whom are you saving yourself for?"

"Someone special..."

"Tony?" Xana asked excitedly.

"Yes," Rue answered without thinking.

"This is great!" Xana squealed. "We can lose our virginity together."

"What?" Rue asked confused.

"You, me, Tony, and Mat."

"You should break up with Mat not sleep with him."

"I will make you a deal, if he is cheating I will break up with him. If not we all lose our virginity same time. Deal?"

"Deal!" Rue agreed.

Chapter 13 is now available at inkitt.

Username: ivybrown179

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