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Most mornings Rue woke up with worn out bones and an exhausted spirit with the thought of Mr. Fox being the motivating factor in it. However, this very day Rue woke up with a sense of positivity and an intuition that made her believe it was going to be a good day.

She stepped out of her bed and walked over to her window, surprisingly Mr. Fox had draw his curtain that morning ruining her morning routine of watching him through her window. Either way, she was in great moods to allow such a minor change ruin the day.

She took her religious shower, dressed up in a cute sweater crop top and a pencil skirt and heels Mr. Fox got her for her sixteenth birthday. They were out of fashion, chipped but they could be worn and that is all what mattered.

Rue heard grunting noises in the kitchen as she walked in. She listened again just to make sure it wasn't her father just puking everywhere as usual. But the grunt came again with her mother's voice shouting at the person to stay still.

She rushed in just to ensure no one was dying in their kitchen but stopped when she saw that it was her brother that their mother was attending to. He had cuts and bruises on his face. Rue felt no empathy for her abusive brother, there was a visible smirk on her face but quickly disappeared when her brother looked up at her. She didn't care to ask or act concerned, she knew whatever happened he deserved it.

"Don't just stand there, boil more water and help me compress his swellings and bruises for relief." Her mother ordered.

"I am late for work." She announced her eyes staring back at her brother who too was staring back.

"Can't you see your brother is in pain? how selfish can you be?"

Rue knew she would rather die, be resurrected and die again than feel sorry or help her brother. A brother that had tormented her, abused and assaulted her. When younger she would do whatever their mother asked her, she would do her brother's laundry, prepare launch for him while he played video games or just be flirting with the suburbs wives.

"What happened?" She asked, not because she was interested but to just spite her brother.

"Some guys just jumped him, what has this world become. Violence never solves anything." Her mother just stared at her brother like he was an innocent toddler yet he was a twenty two year old bully who used violence to solve problems or get what he wanted.

She knew her brother was lying and would spin anything into intricate tales. Maybe the drugs she found in her car and threw were the reasons for his current state. That scared her because he would another reason to come at her.

"He may have deserved it." She murmured under her breath.

"What?" Her mother heard her.


"I have to go." She said again.

"The groceries are depleted and your sister needs some money." Her mother spoke.

Rue shook her head in dismay, she knew that she had to start considering moving out. The major problem is that there weren't affordable apartments around and moving to the other side meant she would see less of Mr. Fox. For him, she would endure her family for a while.

She took her favorite melon print mini backpack and swung it to rest on her shoulder. She loved it despite her workmates describing it as childish.

Tony was outside leaning on his car, it was a Cadillac. Tony came from a wealthy family that was in the financial and investment sector. However, he was a humble nerd and if he would polish his outlook he would be attractive. The problem was that Rue had eyes for just one man and not Tony.

She surprised at his unannounced visit. He smiled back at her.

"What are you doing here?" She spoke her mind.

He took no offence at her direct approach, "You disappeared yesterday i had to make sure you are okay." He answered, his eyes focused on her face, probably looking to find any new bruises.

"I shouldn't be drinking too much, i just passed out." She replied.

"We looked for you everywhere," He spoke.

That meant that Xana was probably still worried. Rue checked her phone she had several messages from Xana. She replied back. Xana had already left for work as per her messages.

Putting her phone away, Rue noted the bruises on Tony hands. She concerned, "What happened?" She pointed at his knuckles.

"You don't have to worry again your brother hurting you." He told her.

She pieced together the puzzle and realized that he was the one that beat her brother. First, he was the only one who noted her bruises and then go defend her. Something that she had never experienced!

Rue couldn't help herself as she jumped on him, luckily he was supported by his car as she hugged him.

"You shouldn't have, he reacts badly when provoked." She warned him of the after consequences for attacking her brother. He didn't like defeat and she knew he would retaliate back in no time.

"I am not afraid, unlike him i fight men not cute girls." Tony said.

Rue laughed as she stepped back. At the corner of her eye she saw Mr. Fox and she turned to him. He looked annoyed as his eyes stayed at Tony's arm that was still on Rue's waist. He didn't smile back at her when she did. He just got in his car and drove away.

"Hope when i am that old, i am not grumpy." Tony said.

Rue hated that he referred Mr. Fox as old. She found him to be at his prime, he worked out and took care of his looks. He was handsome, more handsome than the boys her age.

"Mmmh!" She nodded absent mindedly.

She decided to accept Tony's to drive her to work and pick her up in the afternoon.

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