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Mr. Fox remained silent and did not answer her question.

"Is it hot in here or it is just me?" Rue asked. Her age came with limitations when it came to seduction, she wasn't creative all she could come up with were those lines that seemed to work in movies and books.

"I don't know. I don't feel hot." Mr. Fox replied.

Rue rolled her eyes at how oblivious he was.

Rue pouted, her lips full and inviting. "Oh, come on, Mr. Fox. Don't be such a stick in the mud. You know you want me," she said, reaching out to touch his arm.

He took a deep breath and stepped back.

"That's enough, Rue. I think it's time for you to leave," he said firmly.

She glared at him for a moment and surprised by his sudden anger. He never got angry with her. She felt hurt and fought her mind so hard not to cry.

He blinked at the pain on her face.

"Fine, Mr. Fox. If that's how you want it," she said and rushed out of his room.

She found Tony waiting for her in the living room.

"Take me anywhere." She requested.

He did not ask he just followed her outside. He opened the door for her and she got inside his car.

Tony would glance at her as she just stared at the road, "Did he hurt you?" He asked her.

She shook her head.

He sighed. Rue could not believe that Mr. Fox had been that harsh with her. He was always sweet to her. His attitude felt like the biggest betrayal.

"Where are we going?" She finally asked Tony. It was past midnight.

"Somewhere I know you will love." He said and Rue choose to trust his word.

She leaned on the window and let Tony drive, he choose to leave the radio off which pleased Rue. She preferred silence while driving, while the outside provided the noise needed.

Tony parked outside an ice cream shop.

She glared at him and he read her mind.

"Just come with me." She obeyed and took his hand. It was warm unlike hers. He smiled at her as they walked in.

"Tony, Whatsup?" The guy behind the counter nodded at him.

"I have been fine." He replied.

There was no one inside the ice cream shop just the seller.

"I haven't seen you in a while." The guy spoke back.

"Ah! Just busy." Tony spoke.

Rue was confused as the guy opened the door that should have led to the back, probably where the staff did their thing. She followed with no question but faith that Tony wasn't taking her to the slaughterhouse.

As they proceeded to walk she could hear voices of people laughing.

"What is this place?" She finally asked.

"My happy place." He said.

"What?" She had heard him, just needed more information.

"It is like a comedy club but everyone here is a comedian. You stand up and just rant about things in your life you wish you could talk about as a comedy. " He said as the stairs led them to a dingy dark room where a girl was talking about her boss.

Rue listened to the girl make fun of her situation and boss and she knew she had found her kind, "I love this place." She whispered to Tony.

He smiled at her, satisfied with himself that she loved it. "I know you too well." He said.

"How come? We barely spoke back at school." She was perplexed by how much he seemed to understand her.

"I watched you all our school years and I saw the raw you, and I have never liked a girl as much as I do with you." He said.

Rue was surprised that this boy she never noticed in school noticed her this much. She avoided him all through and assumed it was just another high school boy trying not to graduate as a virgin.

She did not know how to respond to his confession, she could be honest that she just had eyes for Mr. Fox, but that would hurt him.

The girl that was ranting, finished her piece as the audience applauded her.

As Tony rose from his seat and strode confidently towards the podium, Rue's eyes remained fixed on him. She couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for his poised and self-assured demeanor. His eyes remained locked onto hers, as if seeking her approval, and he flashed her a dazzling smile that caused her heart to flutter.

As he reached the stage, Tony seemed to command the attention of everyone in the room. The crowd's response to his presence was palpable - they were thrilled to have him there. It was clear that he was no stranger to this type of environment, and that he was well-versed in navigating the intricacies of social interaction.

Despite the commotion and clamor around him, Tony remained cool and composed, his every movement confident and calculated. Rue couldn't help but be drawn to his presence, captivated by his charm and magnetic energy. .

For a long time, Rue held onto an image of Tony that she had constructed in her mind: he was nerdy, dull, and overly nice -- all traits she didn't find particularly interesting. However, recent events had caused her to reassess her preconceptions. Tony had shown himself to be anything but boring, using his intelligence to deftly navigate the world around him. She felt a sudden urge to get to know him better, to learn more about the man who could command such attention with such effortless ease

As Tony began to speak, Rue found herself hanging on his every word. His stories about his high school years were both humorous and thought-provoking, and she couldn't help but be drawn in by his infectious energy and charisma.

As he spoke about his plans for the future, it became clear to Rue that Tony was destined for greatness. It wasn't just his privileged upbringing that set him apart, but rather the strength of his character and the depth of his intellect. She found herself in awe of his determination and drive, and couldn't help but be inspired by his words. Despite his success and obvious potential, Tony remained humble and down-to-earth, never once letting his achievements go to his head. He was a rare combination of wit, intelligence, and humility.

As they strolled out of the ice cream shop, Tony turned to Rue with a look of apprehension on his face. "Give it to me straight," he implored. "I was terrible, wasn't I?"

Rue took another lick of her ice cream, savoring the sweetness of the creamy treat. Tony had insisted on buying it for her, a small gesture that made her heart skip a beat. She looked up at him with a smile, feeling a surge of affection for this kind and considerate man.

"Well," she began, choosing her words carefully, teasingly just to keep him on edge. "It wasn't your best performance, but it wasn't terrible either. You have a lot of potential, you just need to work on a few things." She smiled.

"That's all I needed to hear," he said.

"I am kidding, you were great. Promise me you will bring me here again." She spoke.

He nodded happy. "I promise."

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