I'm so funny

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Okay so boo


Ngl I don't think chapter makes sense not even to me but it was funny so I said fuck it

Also who's watching the game tmr? Indiana vs Seattle????????

Also not trying to be mean or anything but like Caitlin hasn't been like doing well like I've watch her get body slammed about 30 times and laughed my ass off

That's what she gets for doing the most against Uconn lmfao

Anyway don't take me seriously cuz even I can't

Also I might purchase a Kate Martin and Nika Mühl jersey

Speaking of jerseys...Caitlin's jersey is $100 bro and she's not even doing that good (for me at least) like Angel Reese is literally probably doing better like damn

Anyways sorry y'all I had to rant a little
Byeeee and enjoy xoxo

- m

Demitra's pov

"So what did he say?" Marisa ask trying to find some good enough shoes for me to wear for my shoot this morning. I showed her the diary and she read it with her mouth wide open.

"I don't know what to do" I sigh and put the shoes on. "Girl. Did you forget what he did to you and said to you?" I nod my head and fix my makeup a little. "Then why the fuck are you thinking of what to do? You should already know not to fall into his trap" she tells me while giving me a serious look.

"Demitra? We're ready for you" the lady who's going to do my shoot said walking in the room and grabbing her last minute thing. "Alright" I letf Marisa with my diary just in case she wants to read the rest.

I follow the lady and we start. It didn't take long actually and I was thankful because I was tired. It was about 12 pm when I was out of my outfits and back into my pyjamas.

"Please listen to your heart when you decide on this evening though you should already know your answer. Alright bye love you" Marisa says and runs off texting on her phone.

I grab my keys and head to my car. I drive home and take Romeo out for a walk. So recently I haven't been eating as much as I should because of how stress and busy I was with work and school.

After walking Romeo, I grabbed my laptop and did some school work. Ellie was at school, mom and dad were at work and Sunday was here somewhere.

"Kailia! Can you get my charger!" I shout from the living room. Few seconds later, Sunday comes down with my charger and I thank her. She then proceeds to sit next to me.

Like can she not?

"I'm getting food. You want anything?" Sunday ask getting up and grabbing her car keys. "No I'm okay" she eyes me for a bit before leaving.

I sit there for a good 10 minutes before I get a text from Paige.

Paige Bueckers

Have you eaten yet?


Go and eat something
It's already 1 pm

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