Part 3

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"Oh my God, oh my God." Tae nervously chanted as he waited for his name to be called out in class. The teacher was distributing the maths papers from last week. Jungkook had helped him a lot, and he was worried all the elder's hard work would go to waste.

"Baby, no matter what the result, we can try again, okay? No one will be upset with you." Jungkook had said to him last night on call.

But he knew his mom would be disappointed and maybe, just maybe, jungkook too.

"Kim Taehyung." The teacher called out. The younger didn't even raise his head as he walked to her table.

He had his eyes tight shut as he reached her, but then he heard say, "Good job, Taehyung. Keep it up."

Tae dramatically gasped as he saw the result. He had scored a B plus! That's a lot from 2 fails in this subject in the past.

"I-Thank you, ma'am. Thank you." He bowed as he happily went back to his seat. He was excited to go tell jungkook and his mom about this. He couldn't believe it.

The day was just getting started, Tae was again happily surprised when he saw his grades for the two assignments he had submitted. He had scored a B+ in one and an A- in the other!

"A??? THAT'S TOO MUCH, JEON JUNGKOOK!" Tae said to himself. Jungkook had helped him write those assignments, more like he had taken the papers back to his dorm and made his friends do it for Tae.

The entire school day, Tae was in the best mood possible. Even his friends were happy for the boy.

"Ahhh, I wish I had someone like jungkook." Seojoon said as he ate the stale fries from the cafeteria.

"Well, he's only one, and he's mine." Taehyung laughed like an evil Disney character.

"Not for long, though." Wooshik said as he smirked at Tae. He loved jealous Tae. He was the most fun.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tae replied quickly, not liking a joke like that.

"Nothing. I thought you knew. Jungkook is trying to date a boy in his class. So I assumed that when they do eventually start dating, you won't be able to call him yours." Wooshik said, trying to rile up the boy. He was actually the biggest Taekook shipper. He was so confused when he realized the two boys consider each other just best friends.

Everyone at the table saw how Tae eyes widened at the news, and then he shrunk back in his seat a little, "Really? Jungkook didn't tell me anything."

"Maybe he didn't want to -" Wooshik was about to reply, but the fourth member of their friend group interrupted.

Hyungsik, being one of Taehyung's oldest friends and always trying to protect the younger, chipped in, "Stop it, Wooshik. You know Jungkook would never replace Tae." He then turned to the mentioned, "Tae, I'm sorry, I was actually the one who told him about this. My hyung likes to gossip at college. So I'm not even sure it's true. Jungkook would definitely tell you otherwise."

"Hmm... I guess. We've just been so busy with my work that maybe it slipped his mind." Tae said to the others, but it was like he was convincing himself.

It wasn't like jungkook hadn't dated in the past. The elder had a lot of admirers, and he had gone out with quite a few of them, but Taehyung was always first to know about it. So what was different this time?

"I'm sorry, Tae. I was just trying to make fun. Sorry." Wooshik felt bad, his plan backfired. Instead of Tae getting the angry jealous like in the past, he ended up sad that jungkook hadn't told him anything.

"It's okay. I'm going to class now. I have to study a little before." With that, Tae just left the table, not even sparing a look when his friends called him back.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 22 ⏰

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