Chapter 66: He Returned

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[ "The Harrison head has revealed to the public evidence of the CEO's dealings and letters allegedly connecting Kingston to these crimes. Victims of these previous dealings have rallied on social—"]

Geneva turned off the news, seeing how it made the breakfast-less morning even more depressing.

All of us were dazed, furious yet silent. After what we saw on the news two days ago, Judah immediately went to the other hall to call Kingston. From what I heard, the situation there was getting worse by the minute. Protestors have even gathered outside. Clyde threw all of the fits he could in his office, wrecking all the documents now rendered useless by what Cesar had pulled. It also didn't help finding out Arthur was the one behind the explosion of the plane. We had to cut off our contact with him and have been searching for a new place to stay to be safe. We spent the next two days trying to come up with another plan, which became a bit difficult because we only had little to eat.

We don't know how long we'll be here so we're trying to ration our food. Before, we had the option of going to the local market nearby. Now that Cesar has turned us into fugitives, we can't risk it anymore.

"I did everything. Everything to please...this...this son of b*tch!" Clyde huffed around the dining room, "And he does this to me?!"

"You did say you were willing to take the fall," I mumbled.

"Yes, but not like this! I take him down with me. That was the plan."

Peyton's head shot up, "What do you mean, Rick?"

"Nothing, nothing," he sighed and sat down, "It's not going to happen."

"Were you going to turn yourself in?" Geneva asked.

"He won't. He can't now anyway," I said, turning my head to the stairs with a sigh.

Judah still hasn't gone down from our room. I can't even begin to imagine how stressed he is right now. I heard that a few of Kingston's partners have been backing out, and some have withdrawn their investments. Unlike Clyde, he hasn't thrown a visible fit but I could tell that he was already erupting on the inside.

Also, for the sake of laying low, he is forced to manage everything using a burner phone—meaning he can't communicate directly with the clients. He instructs his most trusted staff to handle everything... which sounds efficient but not very ideal in a crisis.

It's a mix between admiration for his professionalism and anxiety for the chaos.

"You know what? Screw it! Let's march to Cesar right now and just... kick his saggy little balls or something!" Peyton suggested in an outburst.

Clyde turned to her, "First of all, I don't want the words 'saggy' and 'balls' coming out of your mouth ever again. Appreciate the thought, but you know we can't just do that."

"Why the f—k not?!"


"I'm sorry! I'm starving already!" she pouted before plopping down on the sofa. Garrett tried to calm her down by patting her shoulder.

Another round of sighs and monologues of the same disappointments took place. I took hold of my stomach. Baby, what do I do now? I feel like I failed to protect our child, but I just couldn't give up yet.

After a few more minutes, I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. I rushed to the hall and saw Judah, looking tired and dejected.

"Hey, love. How's everything?"

He sighed, "Clients pulling back, the investors, the partners. Our staff, our stocks..."

I ran to him and caught his weary body in an embrace, "Oh my god..."

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