Author's Note (+ Recap)

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To my oldest readers... since it's been so long, here's a recap starting from a major twist. But for new readers who are skipping to this part to know the ending, it's not the end yet. Go back up to the previous chapter this will spoil the earlier chapters for you.










Everyone find out that Pauline (the woman on the plane who befriended Olivia in Chapter 1) was Clyde and Peyton's biological mother. Olivia and Judah decided to work with Clyde. However, they found out that Clyde was the reason Judah's biological family went into ruin (which caused Judah to lose his parents). As a child, Clyde helped Cesar sabotage Judah's family back then so Cesar would give the money for Pauline's treatment. Still, Olivia and Judah proceeds to work with Clyde to bring down Cesar, but they need to move their operations in Hawaii because Cesar had tracked them and burned down their (Peyton and Clyde's) house. Meanwhile, Arthur, who was revealed to be a spy for Cesar in the past, has been helping them take down Cesar. He has gone to Cesar's side (as a double agent) for now to make sure Judah and the others will not be found. Also, it has been revealed that Arthur had something to do with the plane incident.

As they were all planning to take down Cesar, back home, Cesar released a statement to the press stating that Clyde and Judah were partners in fraud and crime, turning them into fugitives and making things more chaotic.


Dear readers,

I'm sorry it took so long. It's been months (almost a year?) and I know it's hard to believe when I say I missed you all, and I missed writing this story. The latter half of 2023 became the busiest, exhausted and most confused I've ever been. To sum it up, I'm not sure being a fiction writer is the career I want to take now. It will still be a hobby for sure, but not my future (I think). I've been so sure of it ever since I started writing stories when I was a kid. Maybe it's just the graduation blues talking love for writing stories had been burning out recently and it's been so hard losing that passion and dream in my heart. 

I want it back and I'm working on it.

But I made a promise to finish this book, so I will. Can't say how long it will take me but even with water pouring on my flames, I will try. I can guarantee that it won't be more than 10 chapters, but I won't rush it. I'll give it a proper ending.

Til then. Hope you'll still love this story.

-Ahn Onimus

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