Chapter 24: I Couldn't Sleep

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"Here's the last of her things, Jude." The driver gently put down the black luggage containing my things. The luggage wasn't mine. It was Kingston's. I can't believe everything I own could fit into that one bag that can be carried by one person. I had a hard time hauling ass with my things when I first got into the city.

"Thanks, Art." Judah gave the man a nod. He was our driver earlier, and his name is Arthur. From what I gathered from my research, Judah had a trusty bodyguard named Arthur Kim. He is a couple of years ahead of us, but he didn't look like it. He still looks young and attractive, and had the vibe of a samurai or ninja. Based on the name, I'm guessing, he's Korean. Kim is a very popular Korean surname. Like Kim Yang, one of my girls from the salon. Arthur had small, piercing eyes, the natural black hair, well-structured nose, and a sharp jawline. He looked too good for a middle-aged man. Maybe it's the workout and good pay?

"Yes, thank you." I mumbled, but made sure it could be heard. But then he stared at me longer than I expected him to before nodding once and exiting the room.

"So..." Judah spoke as he removed his shiny, black work coat and laid it on the leather couch, "Home sweet home."

He smiles and extends his arms sideward to emphasize the grandness of the place.

Hmph. What a showoff. But he had a good reason to be. I almost broke my neck as I tried to take in the extent of the place. We were at the Kingston Hotel, the very first one the company had built. But to be more specific, we're at its penthouse. The place wasn't that far from Kingston Corp. It only took a 20—minute drive... and a really awkward and silent car ride.

The place was amazing on the inside! I haven't been able to see the outside yet, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna need to fly or dangle from a helicopter to get a full view because it was as large as three hotel lobbies!

All the colors my eyes could take in were Kingston's signature black, cedar brown, white and metal silver. The walls were either glass windows or curtains, the doors looked like they were made from expensive lumber, the stairs looked like they were levitating, and I'm pretty sure some Greek statues were destroyed and melted to make the floor. Ugh! And all the furniture and their arrangement looked like it was ripped out of a magazine!

I had a lot of things to say but what came out of my mouth was, "I can see a lot of accidents happening in here."

He chuckled, "Yeah. Well, I live alone and so far, this place hasn't tried to kill me yet."

"Really? Because I'm pretty sure the glass walls and the marble tiles are a life hazard."

"I just know my way around it." He shrugged, "Anyway, now that you live here, it will be easier to have our transactions."

I nodded, darting my eyes towards the luggage, "So, is that everything you ransacked from my apartment?"

"Uh—huh. Well, minus the laxatives they found under your bed. What was that about?"

Ugh. I forgot to throw those away.

I rushed to my luggage to hide my blush, "It wasn't mine. It was the tenant before me."

When he told me I'd be living with him, I was reluctant. I mean, I had to be bold for my marriage proposal, but he still is a stranger to me. I knew living with him would be more convenient, though I didn't expect it to happen right away. He called his men to go to my apartment for my things, and now here we are.

"So, where am I staying at?" I asked, looking around for a room.

"In my room, of course," he stated boldly as hear him take of his vest.

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