Chapter 49: We Missed the Movie

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The stinging feeling remained in my hand when I withdrew it.

"Clyde?" I whispered. However, as soon as my vision was cleared of tears, I realized it wasn't him.

It was Judah.

His eyes turned as wide as plates. The mark I left on his cheek glowed red. People who witnessed my outburst gasped as they passed, but they stayed no longer than a second to stare.

"Okay. What?" Judah reeled back from the slap. His face, which was forcefully turned to the right, slowly turned to me.

"J-Judah...I-I'm so sorry..." I cried softly, holding the hand I used on him.

He didn't seem mad. He was just stunned—even more when he saw me crying. He cupped my cheeks, looking at me with a worried expression.

"Olivia. What happened? Why are you here? And why are you crying?"

"I just..." I stammered, trying to regain my poise but I was already welling up. Feeling his comforting touch didn't help stop it. I held his hands and tried to stop my tears, speaking in between sniffs, "You were gone... I'm sorry. I panicked. I just... I thought you left."

"Left? Wha—I would never leave you like that! No. I just got Isabella to take a cab. I thought you were uncomfortable with her... and she felt the same. She left."

"I see." I exhaled, letting go of Judah's hands while his own dropped to his sides, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to chase your friend away. If you want, you can set up another meeting so—"

"No." He smiled, looking afar, "I don't think I'll be seeing her again. She's going back to Texas first thing in the morning. We already said our goodbyes."

I just nodded in response, averting my eyes to the ground. What do I say now?

"What happened back there?" he asked, a voice thick with concern. "Why are you crying? I told the waiter to tell you I'll be back. Didn't someone come to you?"

I shook my head, "No. I just rushed out. I thought—"

"That I left you?" He sighed, "Olivia. That will never happen."

"I know." I answered while trying to inwardly reassure myself as well, "It's just... I didn't mean to, but I just felt like a total stranger back there. And stupid, bad memories came up and... I'm sorry. What happened was on me, I shouldn't have—"

"Don't say that," he cut me off. "I should've known you would feel that way. You're my wife, after all."

I scoffed, "I'm not really your wife, Judah."

But a sour taste filled my mouth as soon as I finished my sentence. Judah's brows furrowed; mouth slightly open in disbelief. He was hurt.

I've been unintentionally doing that a lot. What is wrong with me?


Before I could say anything else to regret, I walked ahead of Judah.

"Come on. Let's go catch that movie."


I said nothing and continued to walk two steps ahead of him. Judah paced to walk beside me, and I let him. It only took us a few minutes to find a local theater, one that showed old movies. Still as silent, I went to the ticket booth. Judah followed.

"Two, please. Far back seats." I beat Judah into paying for the tickets before he could take out his card. As the clerk prepared our tickets, Judah leaned into my ear and spoke softly.

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