4. Adrian

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As the traitor's tortured cries fade into the darkness of the basement, I stand there, surrounded by the echoes of my own ruthlessness. The scent of blood and burning flesh hang heavy in the air, a grim reminder of the price of betrayal.

For me, this is just another day in the life of Adrian Blackwood, the feared and respected leader of a powerful mafia organization. Betrayal is a constant threat in my life, lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike when it is least expected. And when it does, I meet it with swift and merciless retribution.

But as I look upon the broken man lying in the pool of his own blood before me, begging for mercy, a flicker of something unfamiliar stirs within me. It is a sensation I hadn't felt in years, buried beneath layers of ice and steel. It is... regret.

Regret, not for inflicting pain on him but for the path I have chosen, for the darkness that consumed me with each passing day. But most of all, regret for the man I have become.

But there is no turning back now. In my world, there is only survival, and I will do whatever it takes to protect what's mine. Even if it means sacrificing myself in the process to protect my people, my family and the ones I care about.

"Bring his family if he doesn't spill." I order my men in a hard tone and an emotionless face.

"S..sir please. Do..don't do i..it." The man pleads with me to save his life but I ignore it as there is no such thing as mercy in my world.

I turn to leave, listening to his screams. But turn back in the middle of my path and walk towards my throne in the center of the hall. 

I lift up my sword that is kept beside my throne and turn to face the man begging me for his life. In one single slash of my sword, his head dismantles from his body.

I sit on my throne with blood of the traitor on my face and clothes. My men are watching the scene surrounding me without any emotion. There is just a pin drop silence as nobody dares to defy me or show any kind of weakness. They know the consequences being weak as they trained by none other than me, the king of underworld and their boss.

I am not a person who shows mercy to anyone but I have been merciful in my own way with the man lying in front of me, dead. I have freed him from the sufferings and torment of this cruel world. 

As I leave the basement behind, the weight of my actions hang heavy on my shoulders. But I push aside the nagging doubts of self conscience, burying them deep within the recesses of my mind.

For in the world of the mafia, weakness is a luxury I can't afford. And as I return to the cold embrace of my mansion, I know that the shadows of my past will continue to haunt me, no matter how hard I try to escape them.

But for now, I have a reputation to uphold and a legacy to protect. And as long as I remain at the top of the food chain, I would ensure that no one dares to challenge me or defy me again.

For I am Adrian Blackwood, the king of the underworld, and in my world, there is only one rule: survive at all costs.

The darkness of the night covers the sky and the echoes of my own ruthlessness follow me, a grim reminder of the man I have become. But deep down, beneath the layers of darkness and despair, a spark of humanity still flickers within me, waiting to be reignited by the light of redemption. But that part is only reserved for the people I love and care about.

For now, I am content to embrace the shadows, for in the world of the mafia, there is no room for weakness, no room for regret. There is only survival and a determination to gain power, and I will do whatever it takes to emerge victorious.

At times like these, I'm deprived of sleep. There is a small terrace away from the main one where I often go and spend time alone to clear my mind. 

When I reach the terrace, I move my gaze up to stare at the night sky. Twinkling stars cover the whole sky hiding the demons behind their shine. Seeing this, I feels relatable how the shine of my appearance and personality hides the dark demons lurking within me.

The mansion is away from the city, having a forest on one side and the vast ocean on the other. As it is away from the noise of the bustling city, the sky is free from any pollution making the stars appear brighter. 

I close my eyes feeling the gust of wind on my face and the sound of waves crashing on the rocks of a cliff nearby. 

My thoughts go back to the little angel who's owning parts of my heart without even knowing or trying. I go back to the moment where she bumped into me. I take comfort in knowing that she was worried for no one but me. Maybe it's a sign that she'll belong to me. No..she already belongs to me. The moment our eyes met, I decided that she's mine and she'll always be mine and I'll make sure of that.

I find solace in thinking about her and  go back downstairs.

I take a cold bath to soothe my nerves and clear my mind.

I come out from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waistline. I wear comfortable trousers and lay down on my bed waiting for what the next day brings.

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