confused yet mesmerized heart

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Sofia leaned against the wall of room with her arms crossed over her chest.

"You can drop the act you know? It's obvious Michael." She laughed mirthlessly which caught Kaiser's attention and looked at her with his brows furrowed.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked as he exited the apps and put the device in sleep mode before putting it on the bedside table.

"Still going with the innocent act Michael?" asked mockingly. "I've seen the way you look at him. The way you look at Alexis Ness and isagi Yoichi's direction. Don't take me for a fool when all I can see is a boy who is seething in rage as his ex is with someone else now." added bitingly.

Kaiser narrowed his gaze before he stood up from the side of the bed and approached her, standing right in front of her.

"What are you going on about now huh? If you're playing mind games with me Sofia, better stop now or else..." He trailed off menacingly.

"Or else what huh?" Sofia asked challengingly as she glared daggers at him. "I'm not a fucking idiot Michael. You think before I got engaged to you, I didn't do some digging on my own? I knew about your family history... where you came from... and your past relationship with Ness... So, don't give me that bullshit and act like you don't know anything still bitter from your ex who apparently moved on with his life while your fiancée here is damn busy with our upcoming wedding." added in a vitriolic voice.

For a moment, Kaiser was genuinely taken aback by her words, her harsh revelation washing through his senses before a silent, yet deadly undercurrent emotion passed through his eyes for a second.

"You're telling me all this now and for what exactly Sofia? Are you threatening me? I don't have any intention to back down from any challenges." He warned lowly.

She barked out sardonic laughter. "Please spare me with your pathetic theatricals Michael. We both knew that you were marrying me because you wanted to strengthen and elevate your career in this industry. But please for fuck's sake, can you just pretend that you give a damn for this whole thing? You're disappointing me already."

"Are you seriously throwing this on me now? Don't you think you're also reaping the benefits too of getting engage to someone like me?" Kaiser shot back.

"There. You finally admit it. You're just accusing me of what you're practically doing to me." She pointed out. "But don't you worry my dear fiancé, you go along with this beneficial engagement and get married to me, it'll be a big help to your lagging career and maybe surpass someone? Let's say your longtime rival Isagi Yoichi perhaps." She added coyly as she saw his face crumpled like a piece of paper and how his eyes blazed in furry against her.

Before he could retort, the telephone rang from the living room, and she immediately turned away and left him seething alone in their room.

Nevertheless, when Sofia was already outside and walking through the corridors, her eyes grew misty and warm.

And for another day, silent tears started streaming down her cheeks in agony, the sharp ache in her heart grew bigger as the day passed by.

Two weeks had passed after they got married.

But since they were still on a honeymoon stage according to the news and social media outlets from the paparazzi, Ness and Isagi continued with their show on the suburbs of Greece located in the Mediterranean Sea.

It would raise some eyebrows if they didn't go out of the country together considering that high profile people and celebrities in society magazines do this often after getting married.

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