Chapter 11: To Burn Down A Reality.

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There was a door, it had an unnaturally natural light in the midst of a dark void. Jericho stared at it for a while. It looked so familiar, the door was white, there were grimes in the patterns, the knob was clean but the rosette was loose. Jericho turned the knob slowly and opened the door, Jericho heard a soft but loving voice from a woman who was laying in bed. The room was dim, you could still see everything but there was only one light source, the windows that were foggy from the heavy rain. The walls were a shade of light green, shelves had action figures, plushies of animals and other various toys.
“Jericho, mind if you come here for a moment?”
Jericho walked over to her with a neutral look.

“Yes, Mother.”
“Now, give me your hand.”
“Yes, Mother.”

Jericho’s mother grabbed his hand and she started to pray.

“Dear, Satan, please lead us away from evil, guide us to the proper path, and may you give us your love.”

The rain turned into a thunderstorm, the first trumpet could be heard from beyond the rain.

“Please protect Jericho in all his hardships and may he grow into a great young man, full of love and kindness.”

The thunder grew louder, the room became brighter, the rain became heavier.

“May you give me strength so I may live to see my son grow happier and stronger. Amen”

As Jericho’s Mother finished praying, she grabbed his hand and spoke with confidence despite her weak voice.

“I promise I’ll become stronger, okay?”

Jericho stared blankly into nothing even though his Mother smiled kindly and happily at him. The thunder struck above them and pierced the roof, the thunder struck his Mother. She screamed from the pain and started to gasp for air, her arms began flailing, her face was burnt and was bleeding, after a few minutes. She died, with a face full of agony.

“I’ve already seen this before, Alex, I know this is fake. I’ve seen this scene in my dreams so many times and yet I still can’t help but tear up.”

Jericho started to sniffle and tears began pouring down his face.

“I know, if I let go of my composure now, I’ll break down but I already have Will, I don’t need to go back to the past and my mother would hate to see me still grieving her death and I need to be there for Will as long as I’m still alive.”

“You’ve passed the trial.”

A layer of blood pours down and the void returns.

“I can no longer do harm to you as you have passed the trial that was ordained by our God, Satan.”

The Angel with wings made of intestines and a human heart above its head as it appears from a spiral.

“Greetings, Jericho, I am Raphael.”

Jericho walks up to the angel and looks at it directly.

“Tell me first, are you Alex?”

“Worry not, Jericho, our merciful God has not taken her into the kingdom of heaven yet. I am nothing but the second trumpet and the messenger to give you a warning of your fate. The destiny you seek is one of unimaginable chaos that no being in this world will understand yet it may be the path that will ensure a future for all that die in Adam.”

Jericho was getting frustrated and pent up so he complained to the Angel.

“You keep on yapping about some fate and God, shut up already! You smell like hell and the intestines in your wings probably still have shit in them! Leave already, I passed the test!”

“Very well, I’ll see you soon.”

The Angel bowed down and a layer of blood poured down once again.

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