Chapter 10: The Aroma of Coffee.

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The sun soared through the sky, it was another morning, another day, it was like watching a movie you’ve seen over and over again but Jericho didn’t really care, he woke up again with hope in his heart. He went down the stairs to prepare breakfast assuming Will was still asleep due to him sleeping early that night. He looked at the table and saw a drawing.

“Please Live”

Jericho stood still and sat on the couch. His eyes moved swiftly to examine each line, each stroke, each character.
“What the fuck…”

Hours passed, breakfast was prepared and Will came out of his room. He checked on Jericho’s room, it was relatively quick to get there since it was just next to his room and near the stairs to the living room. He didn’t see Jericho there and assumed he was downstairs. As soon as Will went to the living room, he saw Jericho on the couch.
“William, we need to talk now.”
Will was shook, he looked slightly confused and he sat down in front of Jericho.
“I was making breakfast for the two of us”
Jericho held the drawing Will made and he spoke solemnly and it was ambiguous as to whether or not he was angry but the moment he talked again, his voice was breaking slowly.
“I’m upset, you know… I don’t know how much time I have left to live either… They said I had a year left but I worry that my condition could get worse, maybe tomorrow I’ll die or maybe my life will shorten more.”
Jericho started to bawl and yet he still tried to speak.
“Two days ago, Will, I took a job, it was just a part time job and the salary was small. I knew… I knew I’d die anyways but still I took it. Maybe, just maybe I wanted to feel like I had a future but half of me knew I’d die so I wanted money… So I could at least leave you something before I die.”
He could barely get out his words until he was unable to control his tears and he sobbed. Will got up immediately and started to hug Jericho. Will started to cry as well and rubbed Jericho’s back as he kept repeating to him.
“It’ll be okay, everything will be okay.”
They wept together for a while and as they both calmed down but suddenly Jericho chuckled out of the blue.
“I guess, I won that bet of who gets to die first?”
Will was surprised at first and then laughed at Jericho’s joke.
“Yeah! You better give me that air fryer then as payment!”

It was the afternoon and Jericho went to Will's room.
"Yo, you wanna go meet up with Alex? She says she's free right now."
Will got up from his bed and immediately fell to the floor then crawled like a worm to Jericho, he spoke in a raspy voice.
"Yeah, sure and if you can tell, I am so full of energy right now."
The two dressed up and left the house, they reached the meeting spot. It was a cafe with comics, books, literature. It was like a bookworms dream and even if you didn't like books, they had a fantastic atmosphere with great jazzy music that felt engaging and didn't feel boring and the environment had some greens to make it feel more refreshing and the beautiful gold light felt homey. They went through the entrance and immediately heard a loud "Hey! I'm over here!" The voice came from a girl who wore red glasses, long brown hair and a green dress who was sitting at the table. The two noticed and immediately sat down next to the girl, Will starts speaking first.
"So, anything new with your freelancing?"
Alex smiles softly and answers.
"Oh that? Yeah I quit being a writer."
Jericho was shocked and exclaimed.
"What! You loved writing! Why'd you stop?"
Alex answers immediately the moment the words came out of Jericho's mouth.
"The Culling."
Immediately, the three of them was poured with warm red blood, Jericho wiped his face and saw the entire cafe replaced with a variety of uncanny faces, small ones, big ones, deformed eyes, no mouths. Worms would crawl out of the pores of each face on the wall and the worms would pop and fingers would grow out of the blood.
Jericho was in shock, he didn't understand anything and eventually it clicked in his head.
"An Angel."

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