
18 2 21

5 days before the fest

The dance studio buzzed with activity as everyone prepared for their performance. Tae was busy discussing the costumes with each performer, ensuring that everyone looked their best on stage.

Sewon approached tae with a determined look on his face

Uh hyung, i want to talk about my costume- sewon said, his voice firm
Tae looked up from his phone, a puzzled expression on his face.

Tae:Sure what is it?
Sewon:I want a corset in my costume.he said flatly
I think it'll make my costume stand out.

Tae frowned, taken aback by sewon's request..

Tae:Sewon, corsets are for the centre parts of the performance. They're meant to accentuate certain movements and create a
Visual impact.
You don't have a centre part, that's why you're not wearing one.

Sewon crossed his arms, unconvinced.
But that's not fair. Why do some get to wear them and some don't?
Should be equal for everyone.

Tae sighed, trying to find the right words.

It's not about the fairness, sewon. It's about what's best for the performance. Each costume is designed to enhance the choreo and convey a specific mood. The corsets are a crucial part of that vision for the centre parts.

Before tae could say anything, jm approached, having overheard the conversation. He glanced between tae and sewon, sensing the tension in the air

Jm:what's going on here?
He asked. His voice calm, but authoritative.

Sewon turned to jm, frustration evident in his expression

Sewon:jimin hyung, i want a corset in my costume.. I just want to stand out, it's nothing too serious

Jm:i understand sewon. But tae is right . The costumes are designed to complement the choreo and create a cohesive visual experience for the audience. If corset isn't necessary for your part, then you won't wear one

Sewon looked disappointed but jm continue

Let's focus on perfecting your choreography and delivering a stand out performance without relying on external factors like costumes, okay?

Sewon nodded reluctantly realising jm's words.
Sewon:Okay i understand

And the practice session continued.


2 days before the fest

Jm turns to everyone with a calming look.
Okay everyone. Ik it was our last practice session together before our rehearsals at the stage, but I'm going to need y'all to remain calm okay?
Rest well tomorrow and I'll see you at the on stage rehearsals the day before the event.

Everyone replied in unison, agreeing to be at the rehearsals on time.
Everyone left as the rustle and energetic environment silenced down
Jm sat there contemplating about something
Just then, as always tae came over to him as he put his hand on jm's shoulder. He softly spoke to him.

Tae:just do it
Jm:i can't bring myself to talk to yoongi yk

Tae:just contact nj hyung then
Jm:why didn't i think of this before?
Thanks tae for the idea.

Tae:dw, and btw I'm leaving okay.. We've got a lot to do.
Jm:yeah okay take care

After tae left, jm went home too after wrapping up..
He freshened up as he sat down to text nj

MY DEAR LOVE:"A Serendipity's Embrace" |Yoonmin Ff|Where stories live. Discover now