Tension and complications

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After a while, jm came into the room with the food and placed it on the bedside table.
He was about to wake yg up, but he noticed himself staring at yg sleeping peacefully.

Jm:placed his hand on his chest
Why did my heart just do that?
It's nothing.pfft
Yg wake up.. Here's your food

Yg:omg you could've just called me
Jm:dw about that. Ahh btw i just remembered

Jm:i am not sure if i should tell you this but i heard that they're announcing the music festival soon

Jm:i wanna participate and for that, i might need help with piano

Yg:you mean create something new?
Jm:Yeah, yk how i told you about the dance project? I haven't fully done it.. It's just a concept for now.. It's contemporary dance

Yg:hmm ok
Jm:and i want to create an instrumental track, just for it..yk?

Yg:yeah sure i can help you with that. I'll start on the track asap. Meanwhile you work on the choreo okay?
Jm:omg thank you so much!
I'll send you the demo so that you get an idea
Yg: okay

The next day
Jm receives a text

Jm gets excited and heads to the cafeteria with tae

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Jm gets excited and heads to the cafeteria with tae.
Tae:ouuu who's making you smile like this???

Jm:no one.. But guess what?

Jm:I'm going to work on an instrumental track for my dance solo

Jm:yea for the music festival.
Tae:what about the dance then?

Jm:I'm choreographing it by myself
Tae:oh my god what? Really?

Jm:yess I'm so excited!! I might actually become one of the co-organizers of the event
Tae:wth? What can you not do?

Jm:and I'll get to perform a lot
Tae:wait what?

Jm:yeah I'll probably do a group dance too.. Maybe a vocal performance as well.
Tae:omg that's too much

MY DEAR LOVE:"A Serendipity's Embrace" |Yoonmin Ff|Where stories live. Discover now