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Written on- 05/19/2024~05/21/2024|Number of words-3086

"Promise me we will see each other again," A middle school boy says to another.

"I promise, when I get the chance, I will return and find you, Ji, I love you..." The other says.

"I love you too N/n," the first boy says.

"Y/n, It's time to go," An older male says. Y/n nods and looks at the other boy.

"I'll miss you, Mezo Shoji," Y/n says.

"I'll miss you too, Y/n L/n," Shoji says. The two boys hug and Y/n turns to the older male.

"Okay, Dad... I'm ready," Y/n says. His dad nods and the two walk away, Y/n turns and looks one last time before getting in a car and driving off.


Shoji walks into the coffee shop breathing in the delightful smell of pastries and coffee beans. He walks over and strands in line. Another male around his age stands before him. The male looks very displeased. Usually, he would make light conversation with the people around him. Still, for both the male's sanity and his safety he decides to refrain from talking to him, instead opting to listen to the conversation happening at the front of the line.

"What do you mean you don't know my order? I've been coming here for years, you should all have it memorized by now," The lady says. Shoji sighs, realizing it's going to be a while before his turn comes up. He checks the time and thanks himself for getting here early. He looks back up just as he hears the person in front of him mutter something.

"Today is not the day, this is not the place, and she is not the person Karen," He says before stepping closer to the lady and the Barista.

"Ma'am, I think you are mistaken," He says making everyone look at him quizzically.

"Oh no, I'm not mistaken but thank you, young man," the lady the guy named Karen says.

"Oh, no you are this is a coffee shop, not a Karen convention so get off your high horse, order your damn drink, and MOVE!" The male says in an irritated voice. Karen and I look at him astonished, probably for very different reasons.

"Ugh, I ought to get you banned, I know the owners you know, I can get you kicked out with a simple phone call," She says.

"Look, I'm being nice here, please just order your drink or leave... I  don't want to deal with you anymore," He says, and the woman scuffs.

"I will be calling the owners and reporting you, what is your name, young man?" The woman asks.

"My parents won't listen to you, especially since we don't know who you are... please leave," He says. The woman goes red and stammers a bit before walking away quickly. Once she was out of the cafe, everyone started to clap.

"Thank you, but that's not necessary," The male says with a smile.

"Hey, welcome back, by the way, the usual?" The barista asks looking at the male that was in front of me.

"Yes please, thank you, Belle," The male says.

"No problem," Belle says before typing in the order. The male moves and Shoji stops forward.

"Oh, Tentacole, sorry for the  wait, would you like your usual?" Belle asks.

"Yes, please, thank you, Belle," Shoji says. The girl nods and types in the order. She gives the total and Shoji pays before stepping to the side. He goes to sit at the table he usually waits at but the male from earlier has occupied the space. Now that Shoji looks at his face, Shoji feels a familiarity wash over him. Almost like he knows the guy but can't quite place from where he racks his brain but comes up with nothing, he shrugs as he is brought out of his thoughts by his order being called.

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