💙Long distance|Bakugo

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Alternet title- Bakugo being soft and sweet to his long-distance boyfriend aka Bakubottom being himself XD

Written on- 05/17/2024|Number of words- 1446

Three years, Three years, nine months, Two weeks, and six days. That is how long it's been since Katsuki Bakugo held his boyfriend in his arms. They met just before middle school and started dating shortly after that. Now they are both almost second years in high school. Bakugoo is moping in his room sad because he can't message his boyfriend since he was studying and 'needed to concentrate' apparently. Bakugo looks at his phone for the millionth time in five minutes. He sighs and gets up deciding to get food. He grabs his phone and heads out of his dorm room. He walks to the elevator and goes to the main floor. Once he steps out of the elevator he is greeted by most of his classmates hanging out in the common area.

"Hey Bakubro! How are you doing?" Kirishima asks.

"I'm fine," Bakugo says as he walks into the kitchen.

"Are you okay Bakubro? You seem sad," Kamianari says but Bakugo ignores him.

"Okay..." Mina can be heard saying sounding slightly confused.

"Kacchan, is it about him?" Midoriya asks keeping quiet as he stands beside the explosive boy.

"Yes," Bakugo says as he gathers the ingredients for spicy ramen.

"It'll be okay, I'm sure your day will go great," Midoriya says.

"Yeah, whatever shitty Deku," Bakugo says quieter than usual.

Midoirya frowns as he watches his friend mopping and dragging his feet, obviously upset. Midoriya sighs but walks away.

"What's up with him Deku?" Uraraka asks.

"He just misses someone close to him," Midoriya says shrugging.

"Ah, wait... Bakugo can miss something let alone someone? He   can feel emotions other than anger?" Kamianri asks.

"Yes dumbass, he is human after all," Jiro says, and Kaminari shrugs.

"Well, I'm just surprised is all,"  Kaminari says. Bakugo walks past all of them a deep frown and sad eyes are plastered on his face, solidifying the fact he is upset. Midoriya sighs and stands up.

"I'll be back," Midoirya says, everyone nods and watches the greenette walk to the stairs after their sad friend. While Midoriya is gone, he gets a text. Todooroki being his boyfriend looks at the message.

"Hey, does anyone know who Y/n L/n is?" Todoroki asks.

"No... why?" Mina asks.

"Izuku just got a message from them saying, 'Hey, my plane lands at three. Can you still pick me up?' I was wondering if any of you knew what that was about is all," Todoroki says.

"Huh, I wonder who they are," Tsu asks.

"What are you guys talking about?" Midoirya asks. The class looks at him as he walks into the room.

"Who  is Y/n L/n?" Mina asks.

"Oh, he's a friend from before UA, Kacchan and I have known him for a little over four years now, why? Did I get a text?" Midoirya asks and Todoroki nods.

"Ah, thank you Shoto," Midoriya says taking his phone and looking at the message.

"Hey, do me a favor and don't tell Kacchan about this," Midoriya says and everyone nods.

"Why though?" Iida asks.

"He's a surprise for Kacchan, I don't want the plan ruined," Midoriya says. Everyone nods in agreement. Midoriya looks at the text when his phone pings again.

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