Chapter 38 - Metal Bracelets

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Juliana's POV

"Absolutely not."

Turning away from Gino, I roll to the other side of my bed, picking up my phone to check the time. This asshole really thought it was acceptable to come barging into my room, towels in hand, at 4:30 in the morning?

"You need to, Juliana. Much longer and you're going to stink the whole household out." This comment earns him a glare from me. Though, as much as it hurts my pride to admit it, I desperately need a shower.

The last time was the night before I went to the hospital, and we're coming up on a week with me rotting in my own stench. "Gino, I can't." I whisper, sitting up as I wipe the little sleep I got from my eyes.

"I know, that's why I'm here. Go to the bathroom and do whatever mental hype-up you need to get through this. I'll be in there as soon as I change out these sheets." Gino curls his other arm, drawing my attention to the stack of bedsheets I had been too distracted to notice.

Gino dumps the stuff in his arms out onto the bed, moving to grab my crutch, but I stop him. I'm sick of those stupid things. This boot provides enough protection, there is no reason I shouldn't be allowed to walk.

Sliding my feet over the side of the bed, I hop down, limping towards the bathroom door. I hear ruffling as Gino starts to strip my bed. As I take the last few steps towards the door of the lavatory, I can't stop myself from pausing.

Looking back over my shoulder, I watch Gino as he skirts around the edge of the bed, leaning over and yanking at the mattress protector. He must have sensed my eyes on him, or took note of the sudden stop in the crinkling from my boot. Without even turning to look at me, he calls over his shoulder.

"Go pick out a new shirt, Juliana. That one's about to get soaked."

I take in a deep breath, feeling the stark air pinch at my lungs. I continue my walk into the bathroom, putting my mental blinders as I make my way straight to my closet. I don't want to look in the direction of the tub. The minute I do, it's game over.

When I walk into my closet, I realise that something is different. My clothes, which I was expecting to still be in my suitcase, had all been hung up. It was a little confusing, because I know for a fact that yesterday, all my clothes were still in said suitcase.

But this unexpected action made tears prick at my eyes. Something about seeing my clothes hung up made the longevity of this whole situation crash down on me.

When I first came to stay here, I didn't unpack my suitcase. It made this entire thing feel more permanent than I knew it was. I mean, it also saved me from having to repack, so hashtag lazy hacks.

Ignoring the weird feeling that was bubbling in my chest, I reach my arm out, letting my hand clench onto some random jumper. Gino has to be wrapping things up by now.

I go back into the bathroom, tossing the jumper onto the counter. I don't really care where it lands, I'll pick it up later.

Turning towards the shower, I pause, taking a deep breath as I start towards it. Step by step, I try to ignore the headache that begins to form. Or the way my head begins to swim in an unseen ocean, trying to forget its surroundings and drift away peacefully amidst the storm that's fighting against the waves where it once found solace.

I go to sit down, grateful that Gino wasn't in here to see the awkward little routine I had to perform to even get to the ground.

Once I'm sitting I swivel to face the tub, unable to contain the shiver that slowly makes its way down my spine. I feel nauseous, looking at the bare fibreglass shower. Again, there were products I know for a fact that I didn't unpack, such as my shampoo, conditioner, body wash and razor.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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