Step Fourteen: Give Up

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And then I hear something that I can't comprehend. Something impossible. "Just because you're here regularily for your canc--"

"No." she says simply. "No, if--" her voice breaks off. "if he's still in there, if he can, somehow, hear us... I don't want him knowing. He needs to worry about waking up, not about me."

I don't understand. It doesn't make any sense! Then suddenly I realize. Suddenly I know what they are speaking of so hopelessly. Angelica has cancer.

I start to cry. I didn't think it possible, but I do. I cry, feeling the tears trickling down my cheeks.

Angelica must see this, because she's at my side almost instantly. The nurse doesn't stop her.

She holds my hands with her much softer, smaller, and more delicate ones.

I feel her head turn. Likely towards the nurse, I presume. As soon as she turns back, her hands leave mine. No. I think. Stay with me! No, no, no!

And then something unexpected happens.

Angelica kisses me. She kisses me gently, lightly, but I can't return it. This must've been my break, because suddenly, I am dead.

Truly dead, if somehow I wasn't before.

I see no life flashing before my eyes, I see only a white light. And then all I see is Angelica kissing me in the hopes that one day I might return.

But I know now that I never will.

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