Step Ten: Get to Know Her Father

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"And what should I call this fine young man who just saved my daughter's life?" Nicholas asks.

I smile back. "I'm Matthew. Matthew Mark."

"Well, Matthew Matthew Mark," he says, and I chuckle. "I wanted to apologize for the other day."

I nod, and we continue our shit-chat in peace, until I see the sun start to rise, and Nicholas offers me what looks like a beer. I shake my head. "I don't drink." I say plainly.

He smiles at that. "Good. But for the record, I don't either. I was offering you a Yahoo. I just collect these bottles for fun."

I blush "Oh."

We sit in silence for around ten more minutes, before I finally get up the nerve to ask. "What's Angel li--" I stop myself before saying 'Angel', and restart. "What's Angelica like?"

He smiles. "Kind. But you must know that already, as you seem to have taken a liking to her."

I blush. "Yeah." I think--" I cut off. "I think I might be in love." I whisper, and surprisingly, he doesn't get mad. He just smiles at me, and pats me on the back.

"Alright, son."

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