Chapter 30

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By myself

BRIDGERTON fanficBy myself

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[ 8 years ago ... ]

During winter time at, a lake that was near the bridgerton's family estate— would be frozen over, and it was a beautiful spot, especially when it came to the winter.

And as of now, ester and eloise were having a argument as the two were fighting when eloise kept making snide remarks of how she told eloise she wants a home and a family while eloise thought completely different.

"I hate you! This is why your not going ice skating with me and colin tomorrow!" Eloise yells as she managed to get her book out of the flames, ester's hands were clenched while she had sharp breaths, "well i don't care!" Ester snaps as she storms away before running upstairs with tears in her eyes as she pushes past Colin, who was surprised by her attitude.

"Ester?" He calls out but he gets no reply as she goes around a corner to her room due to the slamming of a door.

He turns his head where he saw eloise brush ash off her book with a deep and hateful frown on her face, "eloise? What happened? Why's ester crying?" He asks as he went down the stairs all the way as stands across from eloise whose under eyes were rude.

"I don't care, she's dead to me. She almost burnt my favorite book in the fire!" Eloise exclaims as she tightens her hands around her book, colin's brows furrow, "you can't mean that" he shakes his head and eloise snaps her head up

"I do! I hate her! I don't care if she dies!" And colin's eyes widen in disbelief, "what?!" and eloise turns as she runs off, colin was still in disbelief from what she declared.

As it was early out the next day as she was in her room on her day bed dressed up in some thicker clothes because of the colder temperatures.

She was boding right now while peaches laid on her bed, before she decides to slip her legs off the bed, huffing. "I don't care what eloise says, im going ice skating! By myself or not!" She declares with a huff as she storms out.

She manages to slip outside while hearing daphne practicing her piano forte in the drawing room. She felt a shiver come over, but she ignores it as she holds the small ice skates in her hands.

She walks as she felt a chill breeze. Her left hand holding her dress so the hem was lifted while her right hand held the skates. And soon, she sees the lake where she sees eloise and colin on the ice, "colin! I'm here!!" She yells at him, and she could see eloise's annoyed expression, colin was too far too hear her, yet eloise did.

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