Chapter 12

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by myself

BRIDGERTON fanficby myself

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[ currently ... ]

In the drawing room, since earlier in the day— Ester had gotten callers from all the men she danced with, unlike Eloise who had only gotten one— which was the same young lord with curly ginger hair— who was like a child like hyacinth and Gregory were.

Anthony with her mama were overseeing, she would ask questions or the gentleman would ask her questions, mostly the gentleman however were asking the questions— though with Anthony's seriousness, more than before.. things were a bit more complicated

Now as her caller left after accidentally getting her roses— which was the only flower that seemed to bring her allergies out, it only made sense her brother Anthony kicked him out, "Anthony, it was just one accident, he was sweet.. from what i saw last night" she tells him, "if he was sweet, then he would have been not so stupid to bring flowers your allergic to" her brother complains to her, making her sigh out lightly. She did find that Lord garnet quite charming, yet apparently her brother thought different.

"Oh Ester dear, what about that lord you interacted with at the fruit stand?" Her mama suddenly asks, making Ester lift her head over at her as she blinks her eyes before the memory of those chocolate brown eyes flashed in her memory, "oh, i don't know, i never got his name. Do you know what his name might be, mother, Anthony?" She asks the more experienced people in society while hyacinth and Gregory played marbles

"I don't believe i do my dear" their mama says, and Anthony's eyes look over at her, "well whomever he may be, if he hasn't came here for a call, then he's not a appropriate suitor" Anthony complains as he goes and takes out a paper, making Ester's lips pull down a bit in disappointment that he didn't come— though she remembered how she didn't give the gentleman a name, though he didn't give her one either— maybe she'll meet him another day, though she doesn't entirely believe that will happen

As Ester and Aurora, were out in the marketplace since the Bridgerton was currently looking for some random stuff— she honestly didn't know what to get, just that she wanted to get something for the next event

"Aurora, what do you think about love? Hm?" Ester asks suddenly as she looks at the blonde maid, who blinks in surprise, "oh, well love is something that makes your heart pound, though i suppose i took to long to find the man who gave me such feeling and now I'm unfortunately considered as a spinster" Aurora responds as she looks over at Ester, who had a smile etched on her lips

"I hope i have a marriage as happy as my mama and papa had" Ester says as she had a warm smile as she sways forward as she had a large smile on her face with her pink colored lips, "i'm sure you will miss" Aurora tells her, her lightly german accent peaking through her voice

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