Chapter 19

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By myself

BRIDGERTON fanficBy myself

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[ currently ... ]

Ester hears the sounds, of lord coltan as she rushed upstairs, unbenownest to her mama or any of her other siblings since Anthony was distracted by a dance with miss kate, Daphne was speaking with some other married misses, Benedict was somewhere around the place while Colin was with penelope.

She walks the hallway that was long, her shawl tightly wrapped around her arms as she enters a small room as she closes it while her back faced it. Her chest raises and falls quickly as she has a hard time to breathe.

She pushes herself forward from the door as she stumbled forward as she holds the desk while she has a hand over her chest, her breathing harsh and quick.

She then take that hand as she grips the roots of her hair as she continues to breathe harshly before she stumbles down as she moved over to a plush couch where she fumbles down on it, her head light before slapping a hand over her mouth as she conceals a tearful cry.

She swallows thickly as she leans back as she closes her eyes as she kept on breathing quickly while her head pounded. The chill comes over her again as she opened her eyes again as she makes her shawl cover her arms completely, goosebumps covering them.

The headache she has grows all the more painful, a feeling like it was stabbing her through the center of her forehead. And she moves her hand to it as she closed her eyes once more as one single tear comes down her face.

Her eyes snap open, as she snapped her head, where she then lets a relieved sigh that the one to wake her was none other than her maid, "aurora, it is just you" she breaths heavily has she has a hand over her chest and on her heart.

Aurora blinks, "miss, were you truly sleeping?" The blonde maid asks as her brows furrowed confusingly, Ester just sucks an inhale in through her nose, "i must've fallen asleep on accident. What is the time?" Ester asks as she sat up straight

"It is a quarter to eleven miss, the ball is over now and lady Bridgerton was wondering where you have gone too. She was worried you might've snuck off to read some poetry" aurora explains, this makes Ester's eyes widen.

"Oh! I suppose i have fallen asleep on accident.." she trails off, and soon, she and aurora leave for her to go to bed. The two of them go to Ester's room where aurora helps her get in her nightgown before she gets on her plush bed where she slips under the covers and her eyes flutter close as she falls asleep.

Even after aurora has, left and her eyes were still closed, sleep was not overcoming her mind. Her eyes open as she turns on her back as she stares up at the ceiling that had a beautiful painting. Her chest raises up and down as the covers were covering her.

She sits up then, where she swings her legs over the bedside as her bare feet touch the ground as she pushes herself off of the bed as she stands where she moves over to the plush chair where she takes a shawl and she wraps it around herself to keep her arms warm before slipping slippers on her feet.

She sneaks out of her room silently where she goes downstairs as quiet as she could to not alarm others where she steps outside.

She lets in a soft inhale, the smell of hyacinth and lilac filled her scenes. Her eyes flick close as she just lets in the scents and listens to the soft sounds of the animals that may be out there.

"Miss Ester, now what are you doing up?" The sound of Lady danbury makes her eyes snap open as she snaps her head to the sight of Lady danbury whose hair was down.

"Lady danbury, i did not expect anyone else was awake" she sputters out, surprised at the sight of the widowed countess, lady danbury raises a amusing brow, "if anyone should be surprised, it should be me. Say, i saw the little argument you had with the marquesses." The words that lady danbury told her made her frown deeply due to the conversation of Lord coltan.

"You did..." she looks forward, her hands tightening around her arms as she felt the soft fabrics of the shawl. "Yes, i have." Lady danbury repeats, standing next to Ester now.

Ester sucks in a breath, her chin raised, "well whatever you might have seen, it was nothing. I realized that i was chasing after something that will never blossom." Ester shakes her head. Lady danbury raises a brow while looking at her.

"Are you quite certain?" Lady danbury muses, and ester looks over at the elder woman, "yes. If he will never court me, then i.. then i will find a suitor who will." She huffs out, lady danbury gives her a look that wasn't quite sure.

"You are blind. Like lord bridgerton is" lady danbury shakes her head, confusing ester whose brows furrow, "i am not blind with love" ester shakes her head, while lady danbury let a scoff like sound, "you truly are blind." Lady danbury says before turning and leaving. Ester gives her a confused yet stubborn look

Ester scoffs at the idea of being blind when it comes to love, "i am not blind. I am the most clear i have ever been" she huffs while looking out to the forest before turning on her heel and quietly storming up to her room again.

The next morning the, sharmas were to leave and all the other guests did as well. And just as the sharmas left- anthony would come rushing out the house, "i need to speak to you!" He exclaims, "yes do!" Miss. Kate replies, looking like she wanted whatever anthony was going to say, yet he passed by her and stopped before miss. Edwina before he gets on one knee.

Ester's brows shoot up in shock as he asks for Miss. edwina's hand in marriage, and this was a surprise for them all. Even their mama's jaw slacked in disbelief while a smile comes on ester's face when Miss. edwina had accepted his proposal while miss. Kate stood with her lips lightly parted while Lady sharma was smiling.

And ester looked to her side when she looked right in the eyes of lord Coltan who was halfway in his carriage. She kept her gaze on, and when his lips parted she snaps her head forward as she looks at Anthony who had a smile.

And lord coltan stared at her, before his lips close firmly before slipping into his carriage that had dark blue cushioning with pink embroidery designs stitched in the plush seating.

1158 words

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