Chapter 28

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By myself

BRIDGERTON fanficBy myself

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In a gentleman's club, he sat while he drank some brandy adorned in a black styled clothing. Some other gentlemen, one being Lord fife and Lord gray, sat at the small table with him.

"It seems that wretched woman that is your mother is gone, now what do you plan to do with no more parents? Hm? Will you finally try to get yourself a wife?" Lord fife asks with a brow raised as he puff out some smoke from his pipe.

Lord coltan had a small smirk before it fell as the glass was nearly at his lips before he threw the brandy back and he puts it down.

"No, i will most likely leave for my country estate after the closing ball of the season. Lady featherington is hosting one, and she had invited me as per usual" he says, wanting to see miss ester before deciding that it would be bad for her reputation if a man who's meant to be in mourning would visit a young lady.

"Really? Well, being in the country can help one clear their mind, as well as something else.." Lord gray smirks, and lord coltan gave the viscount a glare, "i plan on going to my country estate, because i don't wish to stick around in the city during this time, don't get it twisted Lord gray" he glares at the man, who had his hands up in defense

"Apologies, apologies"

Lord coltan slams the glass down before standing up, the chair going back. "I must leave. I have a meeting with the queen" the marquees takes his coat, his words causing surprise to come from the men, "the queen?" Lord fife says in shock.

"I am a marquees, one of the few marquees that are unwed. There's only lord of ashtown that lives in Mayfair, and he's only 10 and 2. Goodday" lord coltan slips his outer jacket on before fixing his chavat and turning and leaving.

As he left, he saw his carriage that he gets in. As the carriage rides and only sometimes bumps, his eyes left to go look out the window as he saw the beautiful sight of the bridgerton estate. A floral like feeling overcomes him as he couldn't help but smile, thinking of what miss ester may be doing as of now.

"Perhaps she's reading some poetry? Or taking a stroll?" He hums to himself warmly, a small smile on his face.

And after some time, he had arrived to the queen's palace. Stepping out the carriage, he's guided to where the queen would be at. And when he enters and sees the woman sitting on the couch, he bows deeply, "your majesty. You wanted to speak to me?" He raises as he looks at the woman as she snorts some type of powdered drug before looking at him as the small tray was taken away.

𝐿𝒜𝐵𝒴𝑅𝐼𝒩𝒯𝐻             𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘥𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now