8. Memories

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What happened after the night we got lost in the woods?

That's quite a difficult question because I barely remember. It's all a daze. Though, I vividly remember y/n sharing her story then us bonding about both of our stories. She made me feel warm and fuzzy inside and I think we almost kissed.

Then it's a blur. The next day I woke up with a blaring headache and I was sensitive to sounds that weren't even loud. Y/n was in a similar state but we somehow got up and navigated our way back to the car. It was slightly easier as it wasn't dark anymore.

We had to wait for about 40 minutes before y/n sobered up enough to drive  and honestly the drive back home was hell. I felt like shit, I had a motion sickness problem and we had to stop multiple times so I could vomit on the side of road.

God, I'm never drinking again.

Then we reached back home. Y/n dropped me off and went her way. I knocked at the door and I didn't know what to expect. My mum was the one who opened it and she was obviously beyond worried but I reckon she was just happy that I had returned so much so that she forgot to get angry even though, I smelt of alcohol and cigs.

She didn't scold me. Thank god.

And now it all feels like a dream.


I feel the softness of my bed against my back as I stare at the band posters on my wall. Music is blaring on the radio. I usually keep it on full volume to drown out the noise of my thoughts and since my bedroom is on the first floor, my sister and my mum don't really have a problem with it.

Though, today something is different.

It's been a few days since me and y/n had that talk in the woods.

I switch positions and turn up the volume of the radio on my bedside table even higher but it won't work. Despite the music being on loop, the thing that's on loop in my mind is the conversation I had with y/n and how comforting her touch, her hug felt.

I can't believe that day actually happened, I lived thru it and now it's past me.

It went right through me but I remember it like it was yesterday. I did not expect us to have a talk like that, I thought we'd just get the picnic mat and fuck off but things unfolded way differently.

I am actually glad for that picnic mat being gone, it brought me and y/n in the woods to share a moment and I wish I could go live that moment again.

I spring up suddenly and put on my shoes on a hurry. The t-shirt I am wearing hasn't been washed 2 days but I don't care. I rush downstairs.

I have a plan.

"Where are you going? It's sunny out!" My mum catches me mid way.

"Nowhere just-" I give her a half attempted reply and dash out the door.

I hope on my bicycle and start pedaling away.

I know exactly where I'm going.

My mum was right, it is very sunny out but I notice the shadow alongside the roads. It's getting darker and darker all of a sudden.

I smile and look up at the newly formed black clouds over my head. Maybe weather is on my side today.

I pedal faster with a sense of adrenaline pumping through my body. In fact, I am driving a bit recklessly but no one's out this late on a sunny yet stormy afternoon so I couldn't care less.

I get where I wanted to get and let go my bicycle. I hold the breaks as they make a screech on the ground.

I am here, outside of y/n's house.

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