2. Swimming Pool

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(Long chapter today!)



I am made to sit down for evening tea and apparently George and y/n are also joining us. I pull out the chair of the dining table and awkwardly sit down between everyone. I am not used to our house feeling so full. It's quite odd.

George is sat across from me, "So Graham, how's school for you, fella? " He tries to make small talk.

"It's fine-" I reply.

"Have you got a crush or a girlfriend?" He continues.

I shake my head into a no.

"I've got one and to be honest, you're missing out! " He shoots a smiles to my mum who's next to him.

I smile but on the inside I'm crumbling. It feels so weird seeing this man who's basically a stranger talking to my mum like that on our dining table on a random Friday. Life is strange sometimes.

"Love, I'm going to get some snacks out. " My mum says to George.

"I'll come with you!" He replies.

Maybe they're going down to the shops?

Then he follows my mum out to the fridge which is 10 steps away.... They stand hugging each other.

I notice y/n staring at me so I look at her then look back down. She's creeping me out.

Though, my mum and George are now back.

"Oh! Forgot the tea! " My mum stands up again but George frowns,

"I'm going to miss you, darling don't go. "

My mum smiles playfully, "I'll come back very soon, I promise. "

Geogre is hesitant but he eventually agrees, "Alright then.. "

I lean in to talk to George, "so erm- when did you meet my mum?"

"Oh it was at the shops 9 days ago. I saw her and I just had to talk to her, you know-" He replies.

My mum comes back, "What a nice memory! " She looks at George then at me,

"You better get used to calling him dad from now! "

I gulp down the piece of grape in my throat, "No I'm fine. " I mumble under my breath.

Things between them are moving so fast..... They are clingy.

"I am going to make all of us tea. " Y/n speaks.

"No! You sit down y/n! You are the guest, you are not meant to make us tea. " My mum stops her.

She gets up anyways, "No I insist! " She shoots my mum a smile then gives me a look.

I don't get it, there's something off about her.

My mum and George continue to talk between each other. They're all lovey dovey, it's making me want to itch my eyes out. I wish my older sister Luna was here, she was meant to get back home half an hour ago.

Minutes feel like hours as I am sat here trying to avoid my mum and George who are right in front of me. Though, thankfully I hear the front door open and close. Luna must be here.

She comes by to the dining table, "I'm back-"

My mum speaks over her, "Luna! This is George your to be step father and y/n! His daughter! " My mum introduces as y/n walks back out from the kitchen and puts down everyone's cups of tea.

My Summer Romance | Graham CoxonWhere stories live. Discover now