5. Sunday Blues

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The water is being guided by the sweet breeze of summer as I am sitting here by the pool. It's Sunday again which means summer camp.

I use to love swimming back in London as a kid but now it seems a bit dull. I am just dipping my toes in the water.

This town is boring.

Nothing happens here. Ever. or at least that's what it feels like.

My eyes land on Graham walking in. I do remember his mum saying that she'd send him here again. God, my dad and his mum, they always want 'alone time' with all the kids out of the house. Luna must be out too.

I am looking and Graham and it's as if nothing has changed. Remember the time he came to our house? Yeah that was a few days ago and he looks the same. Gloomy and quiet.

Hes wearing a full sleeves t shirt and he's at a pool. Graham slowly walks over to a corner bench while avoiding eye contact with me. He just sits down.

I walk up to him, "Are you okay?" I ask.

No reply.

"Graham?" I put my hand on his shoulder.

He looks down and refuses to speak.

"Ok maybe you don't want to talk but I'm worried about you- you know-" I say truthfully.

He's still silent.

I sigh, "Look if you want me to go away at least tell me to go away. Say that you don't wanna speak to me.... "

I look at him and desperately expect a response but I don't get anything back again.

"Oh for gods sake. " I roll my eyes at him and walk away.

He's being mean. I don't like him. Why does he have to be so mysterious and hard to figure out?

I resume my swimming practice. That interaction with Graham has given me the push to do something I like and do something else than try talking to him. If he's in a bitchy mood then so be it.


More than half an hour has passed and I'm done with my set. I leave the pool and catch my breath. I then take a sip of water from my bottle.

I can't help but scan for Graham. My eyes find him and surprisingly he's sitting at the same place where he was before.

I do feel bad for him. There's obviously something going on in his life.

And the corner bench he's on doesn't have shade over it. He must be feeling hot or dehydrated and I have a bottle of water with myself.

I walk over to him again and sit down this time. I shoot him a smile but he doesn't reciprocate. Anyway, I offer him the bottle and hold it our in front of him, "The weather's really hot. Water?"

I hold the bottle in the air waiting for him to take it but he never does.

I scoff, "You're a twat."

He's making me angry again.

He says nothing and walks away. I look and notice he's going to the changing rooms, it's basically like the boy's locker rooms and they're empty most of the time.

He's probably going in there to be grumpy, ignore me again and be sad. All of the above.

I follow him.

I walk in and there he is, sat on a chair again with his head down and he doesn't have a shirt on.

"Graham!" I hold his chin to make him look at me.

"Wha- what are you doing here!?" He is caught off guard.

I look at him, "What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you doing this?"

I continue, "Why can't you just answer me? And- if you don't want to talk to me just tell me! Why don't you have the guts to tell me to go away?? Why are you such a fucking twat!"

He's not speaking still. It enrages me.

"You've been acting funny. Like sad and quiet! It's bothering me and that's why I asked. I was kind and- you're being cruel!" I shout.

I explain, "Everyone's got problems and things to be sad about! But you're acting like it's the end of the world. Get a fucking grip Graham." I say a bit harshly.

This leads Graham to cry, actually it's more intense than that. He starts helplessly sobbing suddenly and he's a very sad cryer with his big brown eyes. It makes me get rid of my angry and rough demeanor.

He is down with the Sunday blues I reckon.

I rest my knee on the chair and pull him in for a hug, into my chest, "Calm down- Graham! It's okay! It's fine.. " I gently play with his hair.

He won't stop crying.

"It's all my fault!" He mumbles.

"What is?"

He struggles to speak, "Every- thin-g!"

"Graham please stop crying.. What even happened? What's wrong?" I hug him even tighter.

"Everything is wrong with me! I disappoint people! I push them away.. I don't deserve anything. I am awful! I have no talent. I can't even think of a simple guitar riff. And I'm ugly! I have no chance with a girl! All my mates have had a girlfriend but I haven't had one still and I probably don't deserve one! I am going to die single.." He breaks down.

I look at him, "Shh listen to me. I think you're very cute and you've got a pretty smile. You should bring it back! Please! And one day you'll get a girlfriend and she'll be very pretty, I promise! "

He buries his face back into my chest and sobs, "You're lying!"

"No I am not!" I reply.

Then suddenly we hear commotion. There are two people and I recognize their voices but I'm not sure...

"I am worried! He never leaves like this. He always waits for his mum!" The woman speaks.

The man joins in, "He'll be in here!"

"The men's room is the last place! It's the only place we haven't searched!" The panicked voice of the woman says.

It's my dad and Graham's mum...

They've just walked in on us. I am in my swimsuit with Graham in my arms who's shirtless.

We did it. We have been 'caught' like we planned.

I let go of Graham as his mum walks towards him with a line of worry gracing her forehead. I expect her to absolutely lose it. She's going to shout and be angry at both of us then my dad will join in as well.

Though, something unexpected happens.

"Graham... What's that on your arm?"

Instead of noticing us hugging half naked, she notices a deep bloody bruise on Graham's arm. I look as well and I can't believe I didn't catch that.

I am shocked. What has he done to himself?

"Not-hi-ng-.. " He fumbles his words and tries to cover himself.

There's a hue of genuine concern in his mum's eyes, "That's a blade mark!"

"Gra- have you been hurting yourself again-" She asks.

The room goes dead silent.

Then his mum just drags him out and takes him home. Me and my dad are here, standing behind.

And all I can think about is Graham.

"He's going to be okay... " My dad tries to comfort me.

Now I am left with a bittersweet feeling in my heart. I don't know what will happen next...

My Summer Romance | Graham CoxonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang