Party Arrangements

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It's been 2 weeks since she started working as his personal assistant.
He is definitely a man of his words, always concentrated towards his business...
She noticed many things in these 2 weeks..
He spends his complete day in his office or meeting clients.
Even for food, he barely takes 15-20 minutes....
He survives through caffeine all day, atleast 5 coffee in a day....

She was completely exhausted in these 2 weeks not because he tried to harass her but because of work.....
She work at least 12-14 hrs.. In a day...
Her complete routine is messed up.
Nor she gets time to interact with her family or friends and one most irritating thing is that no off on weekends..
She started working with her complete strength with him.
She dares not to ask for a leave from him.
Late night sleeping because of e-mails replies and all... , not paying attention towards reading and writing, consuming caffeine like him all time became her habit...

Few times, she messed up in his work because of her stupidity or we can say innocence but his one glare and she started fixing everything...

Handrix P.O.V

2 weeks passed, she started getting habitual of my schedule.
I know it's little hard for her to cooperate as she is definitely not a morning person at all like me....

During starting days, I scolded her badly for not paying attention and like always she started crying like a crybaby.
In return, I scolded her twice harder than before and as her punishment, I gave her 4 hrs... Extra work
She cried alot that day but after that day, she didn't dare to argue or refuse my commands

Her habit of crying over little things started changing but not completely changed.
Nowadays she hold her tears back instead of crying and I'm happy for this little change
I've to make her habitual of my lifestyle and world.... There is no space for her innocence in my world
She can completely express herself in front of me but not in front of others
So, I have to teach her everything....

Sometimes, she sleep during late night work
My mind thought to wake her up and scold her for that
But my heart hold me for doing that..
I let her sleep sometimes but not for more than 4 hrs....
And I think it's enough for her

Not a single day went on which I didn't scolded her.. She is too irresponsible

I felt pity on her sometimes but my mind convinced me to go further with this attitude. During these days, I felt my obsession growing towards her..
Definitely this is dangerous for her but She is my partner, destiny paired us
So, it's not my fault.....

Sometimes I want to hold her tightly and kiss her like no tomorrow but that day words started disturbing my ideas when I showed her my reality

"Handrix I started trusting you
Why are you doing this to me"

I thought to gain her trust but this is impossible for me because of my behaviour and like always, I believe in force
So, I started developing fear inside her body so she can't refuse me but arguing over little things is her habit for sure .. Anyways, she is mine
I'm responsible for her..

Right now, she is sitting on her desk.. I arranged a separate desk in my office for her instead of seperate cabin so that I can eye fuck her everytime
Almost half of my day spend with her.... She doesn't conversate openly with me but sometimes, she share little things and to he honest, I love this way.... I love to listen her
But then, she suddenly stops in middle ....

Snapping out of my thoughts I said

Let's have lunch

She looked at me and nodded

Words..... Little bean
I said

I just hate when she disobey me.... From the first day we met I told her to use her mouth instead of her head but this stupid girlll.....

ONLY MINE: Obsession To LoveWhere stories live. Discover now