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Poor Savannah nice vehicle have never experience these type of driving before because she has always been carefull and pet her baby but Nicholos was the opposite

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Poor Savannah nice vehicle have never experience these type of driving before because she has always been carefull and pet her baby but Nicholos was the opposite.

He was speeding down the street has if the road belongs to him, over taking, taking sharp breaks, swinging from incoming vehicle from the opposite direction and the list goes on.

Masicka playlist blast in the car as he made his way to his baby mother's salon. He parked up by the gate and called her to come down.

In less than five minutes Latteisha walked towards the expensive vehicle with her mouth a gap and her eyes widen when he rolled the window down revealing himself.

"a fu fa dhis Nicholos?" She inquires, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Cum in a di car nuh muma and tap question mi" He hissed his teeth as he rolled the window up and replay the music that starts a few seconds ago.

Latteisha walked to the passenger's side, open up the door and hopped in. The moment she entered the car, her eyes were everywhere and base on the interior designs and the strong feminine scent she could tell that a woman owns it.

Muss a find a money gyal now... damn dwag.. a hate him essi... her thoughts.

"Hurry up and bring mi a pickney skool suh mi can cum out a yuh gyal car" She hissed her teeth as she scornfully pick up the seat belt to buckle up.

"Yuh see yuh fucking mouth, yuh use eh too much" he looked over at her and lightly pinched her lips.

"Nuh ramp wid mi enu dranco" She swat his hand a way.

"Who a dranco? mine mi affi buss yuh face in a dhis" He stared at her seriously.

She kept quiet and sunk herself inside of the seat while playing on her phone to ignore him.

She just wanted to be at her kid school for this Pta meeting then to hurry and get out of his sight.

"Yuh hungry?" He asked her.

"No sorry fimi" she hissed her teeth while focusing on her phone.

"Yuh rawse lucky... Ole dhat" He threw twenty thousand dollars inside of her lap.

"Deal wid dhem pickney snacks and taxi fare fi dhis week" He mumbled as he keep his focus on the road.

"Thanks" Latteisha smiled, picking the cash from her lap and tuck it inside of her bag. "Yes mi hungry" She then added.

"Fuck off, yuh nuh seh mi nuh sorry fi yuh" he hissed his teeth.

"Dawgsh- he stared at her hard and she swallow the rest of that. " Mi hungry fi tru enu, mi nuh eat ntn much f-

"Weh yuh wah?" he rudely interrupted her.

"Burger and buy one fi Kimmy too" She told him.

"mhmm" he hummed as he kept his focus on the road.

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