Chapter 20: MORAX

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"The next segment features the Rite of Descension, but with a twist," the announcement echoed.

"Oh boy..." some murmured in anticipation.

Zhongli sighed deeply, a hint of regret in his eyes. Venti, not missing a beat, gave him a light smack on the back of the head. "I still think it was a stupid plan," he huffed, crossing his arms in frustration.

As the Rite of Descension unfolded in Liyue, the atmosphere was filled with reverence and anticipation. Venti stood among the crowd; his eyes focused intently on the ceremony. Their children, scattered throughout the assembly, watched with a mixture of pride and admiration.

Suddenly, chaos erupted. The sky darkened, and a deafening roar echoed through the valley as Morax's lifeless dragon form plummeted from the heavens, crashing into the ground with earth-shattering force. Dust and debris filled the air, and the crowd gasped in horror.

Venti's world shattered in that instant. His heart pounded in his chest, a cold, numb feeling spreading through him as he stared in disbelief at the scene unfolding before him. "MORAX!" he screamed, his voice cracking with a mix of grief and desperation.

Xiao, ever the vigilant protector, was the first to react. His stoic demeanor tightened, his golden eyes narrowing with a lethal glint. "Father," he muttered, the word laced with an unspoken promise of swift retribution. His spear materialized in his hand, its sharp tip reflecting his deadly intent.

Aerden's powers surged uncontrollably, a fierce storm of earth and wind swirling around him. "No, this can't be happening," he whispered, his voice trembling. "We need to help him!"

Harmonia, trying to maintain her composure, quickly moved to Venti's side, wrapping an arm around him for support. "Stay strong, Mother," she urged, her voice steady despite the tears streaming down her face. "We need to stay together."

Lyra's lyre fell from her hands, the usual melody of hope and joy replaced by a silence filled with dread. "Father..." she whispered; her eyes wide with horror. "Please, no..."

Navarre, driven by a fierce need to understand, began chanting ancient incantations, desperately searching for a way to reverse what had happened. "There must be something we can do," he insisted, his voice a mix of panic and determination.

Valea's spear blazed with a fiery light as she stood guard, her eyes scanning the crowd for any further threats. "I'll protect you, Mother," she declared, her voice filled with unwavering resolve. "No one will harm our family again."

As Venti collapsed to his knees beside Morax's massive, lifeless dragon form, the weight of the world crashed down upon him. Tears streamed down his face as he reached out, his hands trembling as he touched the cold, unresponsive scales. "No... no, this can't be," he sobbed, his voice breaking. "You can't leave me, not like this."

Broken sobs escaped his lips, his body shaking with the intensity of his grief. Venti leaned forward, pressing his forehead against Zhongli's chest, hoping to feel even the faintest heartbeat. But there was nothing.

"NO!" he screamed, his voice raw and heart-wrenching. "MORAX!" His cry was a blood-curdling, heartbreaking scream that echoed through the stillness of Liyue, a sound that seemed to make the heavens themselves weep.

The intensity of his feelings made his Anemo powers go haywire. Tornadoes formed around him, spiraling out of control. The air crackled with energy, the wind howling in response to his overwhelming sorrow. The once serene sky of Liyue turned dark and tumultuous, reflecting the chaos within Venti's heart.

The tornadoes tore through the assembly, sending debris flying and scattering the crowd. Xiao, Aerden, Harmonia, Lyra, Navarre, and Valea braced themselves against the fierce winds, their own powers flaring in response to their mother's grief.

Xiao, struggling to maintain his footing, shouted over the roar of the wind, "Mother, please, calm down! We need you!"

Aerden tried to control the storm, using his Geo abilities to stabilize the ground, but the force of Venti's Anemo powers was overwhelming. "We're here, Mother! We're here with you!"

Harmonia, tears streaming down her face, reached out to Venti, her voice steady despite the chaos. "Mother, we need to stay together! Father needs us strong!"

Lyra's music, now a desperate plea, mingled with the howling wind. "We can't lose you too, Mother!"

Navarre's incantations grew louder, trying to channel his energy to protect his family from the raging storm. "We will find a way, Mother! Just hold on!"

Valea, standing firm with her spear, shouted above the tumult, "We are your children, Mother! We will fight for you and Father!"

Venti's anguished cries continued, his sobs blending with the wind's fury. But slowly, the voices of his children began to reach him, their love and determination cutting through the haze of his despair.

He lifted his tear-streaked face, looking at each of his children, their eyes filled with a mix of fear, anger, and unwavering support. The realization of their collective strength and love began to pierce through his overwhelming grief.

With great effort, Venti started to reign in his powers, the tornadoes gradually dissipating. The air began to still, and the dark clouds slowly parted, revealing the sky once more.

His voice, though still trembling, found a measure of control. "We... we will not let this break us," he said, his words a promise to himself and his children. "We will stand together, for Morax, for our family."

As the last remnants of the storm faded, Venti looked down at Zhongli, his heart heavy but his resolve strengthened by the presence of his children. "We will find a way to bring you back," he whispered, his voice filled with determination. "I swear it."

In that moment, the family stood united, their bond stronger than ever. Though grief and pain filled their hearts, their love and determination shone brightly, a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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