Chapter 11: the rage of the Geo Archon

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The air in Mondstadt's bustling tavern was thick with the rich scent of ale and the harmonious blend of laughter and conversation. The familiar hum of merry voices filled the room, creating an atmosphere of warmth and camaraderie. At the center of it all sat Venti, perched on a stool like a carefree bard. His laughter rang out like music, enchanting the patrons with tales of adventure and mischief, each story a spark of joy in the lively night.

As the evening deepened and the ale flowed more freely, Venti's laughter grew louder, his movements more unsteady. The warmth of the drink enveloped him, a comforting haze that dulled his senses to the shadows lurking at the edges of his vision. He reveled in the moment, oblivious to the dark intentions creeping closer, poised to shatter his peace.

"It's me again!" Venti giggles excitedly.

Without warning, rough hands seized Venti by the arms, yanking him from the safety of the tavern into the cold, unforgiving night. Panic surged through him, icy and relentless, as he struggled against his assailants. Their drunken laughter echoed around him, a sinister symphony that twisted the night into a nightmare. The once welcoming darkness now felt like a suffocating shroud.

A low growl emits from next to Venti, he turns and chuckles nervously at seeing his mates horns growing, his form changing into his archon form. Next to his husband their children had similar murderous glares on their faces. "Now now honey, my babies, let's not overreact-"


Just as despair began to tighten its grip, a voice boomed through the darkness, slicing through the chaos with a deadly precision. "Release him," the voice commanded, its tone as cold and unyielding as the stone it emanated from.

The attackers froze, their bravado evaporating as the ground beneath them seemed to quake. From the shadows emerged a figure of towering stature, his presence exuding an ancient and unassailable power. Zhongli, the retired Geo Archon, stood like an avenging deity, his eyes burning with an ethereal, golden light that spoke of millennia of unyielding strength and untold wrath. His very aura was a silent promise of divine retribution, a harbinger of doom for those who dared defy him.

Venti swoons against his husband "My knight in shining armor!" Zhongli just huffs and presses a kiss to the top of his wife's head, growling possessively.

Venti's attackers recoiled in terror, their drunken courage crumbling into dust. The mere sight of Zhongli, his form bathed in the fearsome glow of his Archon powers, was enough to strip away any thought of resistance. His gaze alone, sharp and piercing, seemed to bore into their very souls, judging their worth and finding them wanting.

"Leave, now," Zhongli commanded, his voice a low, resonant growl that reverberated through the night. It was a sound that carried the weight of mountains and the inevitability of time itself. His words were not a mere threat but an absolute decree, an unassailable force of nature.

"Go Papa!" Xiao and his siblings cheer, Zhongli grins proudly.

The assailants needed no further encouragement. They scrambled to escape, their footsteps a frantic cacophony as they fled into the darkness like terrified animals. As the last echoes of their retreat faded, silence reclaimed the night, broken only by Venti's ragged breathing.

Zhongli approached his husband with a gentleness that belied his earlier ferocity. His expression softened as he reached out, his touch tender and reassuring. Venti felt himself being drawn into Zhongli's embrace, his heart pounding with a mixture of lingering fear and overwhelming gratitude.

"Are you hurt?" Zhongli's voice, now a tender murmur, brushed against Venti's ear like a comforting breeze. He held Venti close, his protective instincts still on high alert, scanning the surroundings for any further threats.

Venti shook his head, his voice barely a whisper. "No, just... shaken. Thank you."

Zhongli's response was simple yet profound—a gentle squeeze of Venti's hand, a silent testament to his unwavering love and devotion. His presence alone was a fortress, a sanctuary where Venti felt safe from all harm. As they stood together beneath the starlit sky, Venti knew with unwavering certainty that no matter what trials awaited them, they would face them side by side, united in their bond and their steadfast commitment to each other.

"Let us go home," Zhongli said, his voice softening but still carrying the weight of his authority. He guided Venti back towards the tavern, his arm wrapped protectively around him, a silent promise that he would always be there to protect and cherish him.

As they walked, the stars above seemed to shine a little brighter, as if in celebration of their unbreakable bond. In that moment, Venti knew that the love they shared was not just a fleeting emotion but a powerful force, enduring and eternal, much like the Archon who had vowed to protect him forever.

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