Chapter 15: Gorou and Tighnari

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Gorou and Tighnari sat together at Puspa Café, the bustling sounds of Sumeru providing a backdrop to their meeting. Gorou had finally taken the opportunity to visit his pen pal, using the trip as a much-needed vacation. Despite the warm, inviting atmosphere, Tighnari seemed unusually nervous, his eyes flickering with uncertainty.

"Tighnari, wasn't that last week?" Gorou asks, tilting his head in confusion. Tighnari nods, remembering as well.

Gorou noticed his friend's unease. "Tighnari, is something wrong? You seem... off."

Tighnari hesitated, chewing on his bottom lip before deciding it was worth the risk to speak up. "Gorou, have you noticed anything... unusual lately?"

Gorou looked at the fellow hybrid with confusion. "Unusual? Like what?"

Tighnari sighed, frustration evident in his voice. "I don't know, just... anything different about yourself?"

Gorou furrowed his brow, pondering the question for a moment before shaking his head. "Can't say I have. Why? Are you feeling alright?"

Tighnari's expression tightened as he searched for the right words. "It's just... my heat is late. I mean, it's never been late before, and I'm starting to worry."

Gorou's eyes widened in surprise, a flicker of concern crossing his features. "Late? That's... unusual. But hey, maybe it's just stress or something. You've been working long hours lately."

Tighnari nodded, trying to convince himself that Gorou's explanation was plausible. "Yeah, you're probably right. It's just been a busy time at the clinic, that's all."

Terai and Yuko smirk knowingly at each other.

But even as he spoke, Tighnari couldn't shake the nagging worry that had taken root in the back of his mind. He tried to focus on his work and duties as a doctor, but the concern refused to be ignored.

Later that evening, as they sat together in the quiet of Tighnari's hut, the topic resurfaced, the silence between them heavy with unspoken fears.

"Gorou, what if... what if it's not just stress? What if something's really wrong?" Tighnari asked, his voice trembling with anxiety.

Gorou's expression softened, his hand reaching out to gently grasp Tighnari's. "Hey, don't worry. We'll figure this out together, okay? And if we need to, we'll seek help. But for now, let's try not to jump to conclusions."

Tighnari nodded, taking comfort in Gorou's reassuring words. But despite his efforts to push the worry aside, the concern lingered like a shadow, casting a pall over their otherwise peaceful evening. Deep down, Tighnari knew that until they had answers, the worry wouldn't truly go away.

Alone in the quiet solitude of the Sumeru forests, Tighnari carefully considered the changes in his body. His keen senses, honed by years of vigilant observation, picked up on subtle shifts and nuances that others might overlook.

With a sense of growing certainty, Tighnari began to piece together the puzzle. He recalled the symptoms he had experienced—morning nausea, an inexplicable fatigue that lingered despite ample rest, and the strange fluttering sensation in his abdomen he had initially dismissed as mere indigestion.

Drawing upon his knowledge of herbalism and anatomy, Tighnari meticulously examined himself, searching for any signs or clues to confirm his suspicions. As he conducted his self-examination with a steady hand and a determined mind, the truth slowly dawned on him: he was pregnant.

Cyno stared at the screen, eyes wide, mouth agape. The shock was visible on his face, frozen in place as the revelation unfolded before him. Beside him, Collei's excited cheering snapped him out of his stupor.

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