911: I Can't Feel My Legs [Finale]

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The silence was nice for a change. Jeno had just brought the final box down to the car while Jaemin focused on fixing them a quick lunch from everything that was left in his fridge.

“So we're really doing this huh?” Jeno chuckled, closing the front door behind him. Jaemin hummed from the kitchen, a small smile on his face as he sliced through the sandwiches with one of the knives he was going to bring back to Jeno's. “Moving in together like a pair of responsible adults?”

“Responsible?” Jaemin laughed, welcoming Jeno's arms around his waist. He leaned against his broad chest and melted as Jeno pressed a kiss to his neck.

“You're right,” he humoured him. “we're as childish as Jisung in certain circumstances.”

“Ain't that the truth!” Jaemin threw his head back against Jeno’s shoulder and laughed wholeheartedly. His fingers gently tracing invisible patterns against Jeno’s forearms. They stood in silence for a little while, just listening to the other take small deep breaths. “I can't believe I'm moving out of here…” he whispered to not completely destroy the peace.

“You don't have to if you don’t want to.” Jeno reminded him with a gentle kiss to his cheek. “This was your first place after your first LA relationship and I know that you have a lot of memories here.”

“I’m ready to make new memories…” Jaemin turned around in his arms and spoke into his cheek. “Your house has always been home to me, you know that. I have more than enough happy memories in your house than I have here, but I can't deny that it feels weird letting this place go.”

“Then don't.” Jeno suggested with a faint smile on his lips. Jaemin pulled back just enough to look him in the eye, focusing on his lips as he spoke. “Keep it, and we can use it as a couple’s retreat or for when Jisung goes to college or you can rent it out to someone else-”

“I love you.” Jaemin pulls him into a breath-taking kiss, although Jeno couldn't exactly enjoy it since Jaemin was smiling into it. “How have I got so lucky?”

“It’s just an idea baby” Jeno whispers, entertaining himself by pressing a peck to Jaemin's nose. “you don't have to go through with it. But I only suggested so you don't have to give it up.”

“We'll keep it for awhile,” Jaemin decides, bouncing happily in Jeno's arms. “Maybe we can make it a couple's retreat like you said, oh that would be adorable!”

“Anything you want Jaem.” Jeno promises with a satisfied smile on his face. Jaemin throws his arms around Jeno's neck and pulls him into an innocent kiss.

They pull apart almost immediately, their cheeks flaring in embarrassment as they finally catch on to the quiet surrounding them.

“Have they-?” Jaemin stutters, completely caught off guard by his sudden revelation.

“We're alone…” Jeno deadpans, staring at the white tiles of the kitchen's back-splash. “We’re alone for two days…”

When he looks back at Jaemin, their lips curl upwards in a small shy smile. Jaemin nuzzles himself into Jeno's chest, while Jeno happily leans his chin against the younger's head.

“So…” Jaemin whispers after a reasonable length of time has passed. “What do you want to do?”

“Well the car is all packed up but we do need to do your bedroom.” Jeno explains, leaning against the kitchen island. “But it's up to you.”

Jaemin stands an arm length away, his arms crossed against his chest. He spins on his heel and takes both sandwich plates, offering one out to Jeno who takes it with a genuine grin. They both sit at either end of the island with four other chairs between them. They eat in silence.

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