Why 2, and not 3? (Part Two)

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By the time his Baba joined the line for ice cream, MK's tears had dried on his cheeks. He grabbed a red crayon and began to draw on the paper, unsure of what to create. His hand moved in circular patterns, forming chaotic scribbles at first.

Each time he glanced at his Baba, the man stood rigid with a nervous habit of biting his thumb. MK took a moment to look at his own much smaller thumb, nibbling his nail. Finding this made his heart heavy, he stopped right away.

His Baba seemed so... sad.

MK wrung his hands against his shirt, worried maybe he had upset him. He always wanted to be a good boy, just like his Dada had taught him to be when he was with Baba. Seeing his Baba happy and smiling was always MK's top priority

Was he being a bad boy?

Puzzled on this, Xiaotian pondered on what he could do to make this right.

His Baba had helped him win a goldfish, and make a fun paper dragon he got to show off at the festival. There were lots of other kids with paper animals too, but MK felt his was the best.

All cause his Baba and Dada helped him.

Feeling a sinking feeling, MK didn't know why he was crying so much today. Why everything felt so loud and he was so quick to tears. Fine one second and then horrible the next. Maybe he wasn't a good boy afterall...

MK pondered what he could do to improve the situation. Perhaps he could draw a picture for his Baba? As he tried to come up with an idea, a tinkling sound caught his attention. Curious, he turned to see what had made such a sweet noise. And that's when he spotted it - the perfect thing that would undoubtedly bring a smile to his Baba's face.

It had passed on a creaking movable cart, heading down the closest street to them. There was orange and blue- and purple. He recognized the color.

Without much thought, MK smiled so wide and hopped off the bench to follow the jingling bell that hung from the stall. Mindful of his new goldfish the entire time, he tottered away from the bench and out of sight.

It had been a Monkey King merchant cart that had drawn the boy away.

The bright colors and his father's face were everywhere, especially on this cart. MK couldn't resist the temptation to follow it as it turned down a side street and disappeared. Without hesitation, he descended the steps and emerged onto a busy main street.

MK followed the jingling bell down the crowded street, weaving between the legs of adults and trying not to lose sight of the vibrant cart. The scent of spices and frying foods filled the air, mixing with the calls of street vendors hawking their wares. MK had to be careful not to bump into anyone, barely up to most folk's waists.

Up ahead, the cart took a sharp turn into a narrow alleyway. MK picked up his pace, clutching his goldfish bowl tightly. He didn't want to lose the colorful vision that had so entranced him. He had seen many versions of his Dada's face today. But it was the first time he had seen a plush toy that looked just like his Baba.

He would recognize it anywhere with the six ears. It was cute and chunky, bearing a little tail and a matching circular plush of his Dada beside it, like the two were fighting.

Though the child took it more like the two were playing.

Eagerly taking out the 10 dollars he had been given for a moment just like this, he intended to buy the plushes. "Mister!" he chirped to the man, drawing the stall owner's attention. Pausing from pushing his Rollin business, he put his hands on his knees. The merchant looked down at MK with a bemused expression, taking in the small boy clutching a goldfish bowl and some crumpled bills in his fist. "Well hello there, little one. What can I do for you today?" His voice was gruff but kind.

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