Chapter Six- A Plot Twist

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Once upon a time there was a son who saw a flaw. He saw no flaw in himself. He was beautiful. He was full of wisdom. Above all else, he was full of himself. This son was given limitless potential. He was also given a duty of care. This duty of care was an awesome responsibility. It was not a glorious assignment, or so he might have thought. Who will notice him with all his wisdom. He was to observe, but not interfere. He was to protect and serve. He could see so much potential. He could see so many possibilities. "Is this not reckless" he thought. "What if this happens? What if that happens? What if time could be a game. What if..."

"Why should I merely observe? What joy is there in mere observation? I already know what will happen, but 'what if'?" This is how he spent his time. What if... What if... What if... It wasn't a question in his mind. It was a quest. How would he do it? What was the point of free will if not to have the freedom to act upon that will as he saw fit?

The direct approach would never work. He must be cunning. He must be most cautious. He should use a beast of the field as his conduit. He shall whisper a question. "After all, how will the humans learn to choose unless they learn to question? What if they learned to question as well? Yes, that shall be my gift to them. Why should the author and the narrator have all the joy of dictation? I will add something to this story as well. I shall add a plot twist to the story. Spice it up a bit. Yes, quite right! The author will thank me later for my contribution."

This is how the watcher would ponder. He became fixated in this one thought. How would he carry out his one thought? It became an obsession. Then he crossed a certain line that must never be crossed. "What if I were the author?" he thought. "Oh the stories I could imagine. They would be my stories, and I would always be the hero. Oh to be the author of my own story!"

Round and round his thoughts would turn. Deep within, the desire burned. He became so fixated with himself, and what he wanted, he nearly forgot his assignment. "Yes, how can I use these humans to my advantage?" he thought. Should they not be just as I am? Should they not also become authors of their own stories? They too could become like the author, but first they must learn good from bad." Then his desire when fertile gave birth. The watcher emanated from within a Selfish Internal Nature. It became his expression of himself.

From this moment forward his will would resist the will of the authority. He had free will. His will. He needed no other authority. He would teach the humans himself. The heart is the seat of motivation. He would be a mere observer no longer. He would become a resister. He now saw the author as an oppressive overlord. The humans must learn of this treachery.

"Why would the author deprive humanity of the whole story? Why would he hold this back from them? They need me. They will thank me." This is how he reasoned. He had silenced any love that remained within himself. He replaced it with pride. The self became the most important thing there is. Others became a means to an end. The opportunity gave rise to the opportunist. No longer was it a question of should he, but could he. "As the author I will decide right from wrong. I must be my authentic self! I am the captain of my own soul! I have the power! I shall be the master of my own universe!"

None of this is found in the pages of Genesis. The narrator sitting with Moses in the tent of meeting doesn't mention any of these details, however history has echoed these sentiments. Other accounts in the biblical narrative such as the twenty eighth chapter of Ezekiel do allude to such a development. In addition to this, mythological stories from around the world seem to echo this age old concept in one way or another. One Greek myth in particular gives this fixation with self a modern name. Today it is considered as nothing more than a rare mental disorder. Is that all this self-centered behavior is? Is narcissism, the Greek myth turned modern disorder, nothing more than an aspect of our world, or could it actually be the chink in the armor of free will?

History tells this tale over and over again like a broken record. Our modern world may literally stand on the brink of environmental collapse because of its shortsighted influence. It consumed the cherub-like watcher in our story. It then infected humanity on a genetic scale. For some reason modern researchers consider it to be a rare occurrence in humans, and more common in the male part of the human population than that of the female. However, is that what history reveals? I realize hindsight is not always clear, but do try to see through the fog of your own perception. This lack-love preoccupation with self is the plot twist that has been overlooked for far too long.

As we continue our story watch for this narcissistic creature in the narrative. Neither the author, nor the narrator are infected with this creature, but that will become evident in time. For now, I invite you to allow the lens of time to be your guide, as you uncover the fly in the ointment. Many in modern times would call the author a narcissistic tyrant, but prefer to deny any author exists. After all, no author means no absolute authority to answer to. That allows me to be my authentic self.

One thing is undeniable though. Without a narrator there can be no story. Therefore, please understand that no matter what happens going forward, our narrator will be our guide in revealing to us how narcissism as we call it today, has changed our world. This however, is by no means the end of our story. Rest assured dear reader, it is only the beginning!

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