Chapter Five- The Plot

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"Let us make man in our image..." The man in our narrative was formed from the dust of the ground long after our universe came into existence. Modern researchers believe it all started with a bang. What was before the bang? No one really knows, but it is generally agreed that time came into being along with four natural forces around the same time: These are known as the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, the electromagnetic force, and the gravitational force.This expansion seems to break all known laws of physics. At least, that is what we've been told.

As the universe expanded time is theorized to have been pulled along with the expansion. Further study indicates that the progression of what we call time, may not be consistent throughout the universe, moving at different speeds in different locations. Gravity appears to be somehow responsible for this phenomenon, although no one can fully be sure, since much of this research is based on theoretical calculations.

At any rate we are here, and we have been graced with the capacity to fathom such things in our own limited way. One author once compared time to a lens through which we learn to see more clearly. I for one agree with this estimation. For, without this lens how could our finite minds learn from the past? We need the past like a tree needs roots. Just as a toppled tree can reveal its journey through the rings it bears, our ability to learn is intrinsically linked to this ever expanding lens that we call time.

As we measure with time, we expand our understanding of cause and effect. We learn that choices have consequences. Are these choices good, or bad? Only time will tell.

Now, let us return to the characters in our story. Our first character will be called man. That is what he is. However, his name is Adam. He is taken from the dust of the earth. He is no interloper. He is literally of the earth. He shall serve as the author's representative to the rest of the earthly creatures. He will be tasked with giving them a name. In order to give them a name he will need to observe them. Eventually, he will name them all. Such a task would no doubt take a very long time. It is not just animals that will need to be identified, but plants and insects, even the minerals that are in the dust of which the man is composed. Without someone to share his observations with it might also prove to be quite lonely.

With all this talk of naming, perhaps it is appropriate that we name the man. Let us call him Adam. If the author is the creator of this story, then Adam will be the namer of this story.

Now for a bit of poetry. Just as the author is revealed through the narrator, so too shall Adam have one come forth from him. He shall fall into a deep sleep. He will not carry out his task alone. From his rib, there will be one of his bone, and one of his flesh. If he is "Ish" (man), then she will be "Ishah" (woman), because from him she was taken. Then the one became two, and yet, they would also be one flesh, because as husband and wife, they would share the same nature.

This distinction of male and female was already present in the animals. This binary oneness will be a common thread throughout this story. Even the relationship between the plants and animals will be revealed to be binary, as the breath passes between the two kinds. As the one exhales, so too, the other inhales. It will be like a dance for all time.

Both humans and animals share this exchange with the vegetation of the earth. Even the insects are part of this cycle as they assist with recycling and breaking down organic waste promoting new growth. The humans however, need not be part of this cycle as the earth renews and churns. They may remain observers, but also partakers of the fruits of their labors. Like the vegetation, and the animals, they will also be fruitful and fill the earth. They will communicate the author's story through the way they care for their domain. They shall have dominion, but it must be just, and kind, and fair. Their decisions should never be selfish, but must be considerate of all their fellow creatures.

The task of naming will provide humanity with the proper motivation. The more they learn about their fellow creatures, the more they will care for them. The  love of the author will pour through them. Their descendants will share in this assignment as well. With such a task, what could go wrong?

Just as Adam and his wife were to observe the creatures of earth, so too, others were observing them. One of these timeless watchers was tasked with overseeing the couple specifically. This watcher was able to move between the temporal and non-linear realm. He could see not only what was, what is, but what will be. This watcher was also able to ponder what could be. Time can be quite seductive if not seen in its entirety.

The author was well aware of the danger of temporal variables. For the purposes of this story we will call them: "The What Ifs". Love is an excellent tutor, but the what ifs can lead to a singular way of thinking. Free-will is a beautiful quality as long as it is all inclusive. Love covers all the variables, as it were. Love is infinite. Love is complete. Love is not linear, but it requires time as a viewing lens. However, time without love?

For this reason a test is required. Why a test? This test will allow love to grow with time. The ability to choose is an act of creation. Such an awesome gift should be exercised responsibly. To fail to do so would have foreseeable consequences. The watcher of humanity noticed this. However, long before this the author saw this possibility as well. Without a test, time would fracture.

Time does not allow for every possible path. A choice once made is the only road taken. Otherwise, chaos. Love is the key. Appreciation is the path. The choice and every choice thereafter must have these as a firm foundation.

Therefore, a garden full of sweet fruit will be the gift. One fruit tree withheld will be the test. The reward will also be a tree bearing fruit. If only, the giver may be considered before the gift humanity will become eternal. What about the watcher? What about others watching him? What about the narrator, and the author? What about you and I, who also know this story all too well?

Turn the page, not because you know how this story unfolds. You already know that part. Turn the page if you would like to know why it happened. Come with me, and together we will see the reason for the tree, that reveals the knowledge of good and bad.

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