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Laughter erupted from Lena and Kara as they stood up and walked over to Alex and Sam. "What's so funny?" Sam asked looking at them. "Your faces! And Alex's outburst! We were just kissing when you called." Lena stated. "WHAT! You wound me up for nothing!" Alex groaned. "Yep! And it was worth it!" Kara replied. "Oh stop darling...let's just order some food and drink some of this liquor." Lena cooed as she wrapped an arm around Kara's waist. Kara ordered three pizzas and sat back down on the sofa.

"What kind of pizza did you order?" Lena asked. "Two pepperoni, and one veggie pizza." Kara replied with a smile. "You know me so well." Lena replied as she leaned into Kara's shoulder. "They'll be here in twenty minutes, so sit down ladies and have some booze." Kara said as she wrapped her arm around Lena's waist. "Stop being so adorable...it's disgusting...I think I liked you better when you were just friends." Sam groaned. "That may be...but I like where we are now." Lena replied. "Well I'm her best friend so that trumps girlfriend!" Sam groaned. "Sorry Sam...Lee here trumps best friend and best friend's girlfriend...also known as my sister." Kara replied.

Alex and Sam rolled their eyes at the couple. A few minutes went by when Kara's phone rang again. "It's your mom..." Lena said handing the phone to Kara. "Hey mom! Whats up?" Kara asked. "Whats up? What's up? Where the hell are you? I came to your condo and they said you moved! Now where are you?" Eliza asked. "Go to the elevator and go up one floor mom...I moved in with Lena this morning. Alex and Sam are already here and I've ordered food." Kara said before the call ended. "So you forgot to tell Eliza too?" Lena asked. "Well...we did just move in together." Kara replied.

Just then Eliza walked in the door. "Well I see you told Alex and Sam." Eliza stated. "Actually...we just found out too mom. They did just move in together so we understand why we didn't know yet." Alex replied. "Were you gonna tell us?" Eliza asked. "Of course! We were gonna tell you all tomorrow morning." Kara said. "Alright...now where's the booze? And whens the pizza coming?" Eliza asked. "Booze is over there...and pizza should be coming any minute." Lena replied.

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