Chapter 42-Shadows Unbound

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The sleek sedan hurtled through the streets of Bogota, its occupants tense with anticipation. Dharan, Dhavan, Nik, and Harrison rode in silence, their thoughts consumed by the events that had just unfolded. Mylo sat in the backseat, his hands bound tightly behind his back, a grim reminder of the danger he posed.

As they reached the outskirts of the city, the skyline gave way to sprawling industrial warehouses, their imposing silhouettes looming against the night sky. Harrison directed the driver to pull over at a nondescript building, its crumbling facade a stark contrast to the glittering skyscrapers of downtown Bogota.

"This is it," Harrison announced, his voice grave with purpose. "We'll interrogate Mylo here."

They filed out of the car, the cold night air sending a shiver down their spines as they approached the dilapidated warehouse. Inside, the air was thick with dust and the scent of decay, the dim light casting long shadows across the empty space.

Dhavan led Mylo to a chair in the center of the room, his eyes burning with determination. "Why did you hire those men to kill Dharan?" he demanded, his voice low and menacing.

Mylo met his gaze with a steely resolve, his lips curled into a defiant sneer. "It was nothing personal. Just business."

Nik stepped forward, his expression incredulous. "Business? You call murder business?"

Mylo shrugged, his gaze flickering with amusement. "In my line of work, it's all about the bottom line. Dharan was in the way, so I had him removed."

Dhavan's fists clenched at his sides, his anger boiling over. "And what about San Silva? Why did you kill him?"

But before Mylo could respond, the sound of shattering glass echoed through the warehouse, followed by the clatter of footsteps. Mylo's allies had found them.

With a curse, Harrison drew his weapon, his eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of movement. "We need to get out of here," he growled, his voice urgent.

Dhavan sprang into action, his pistol at the ready as he scanned the perimeter for threats. In the chaos that ensued, he spotted movement in the rafters above. Without hesitation, he took aim and fired, the sound of his gunshot echoing through the warehouse.

As the dust settled, they realized that the threat had been neutralized. The sniper lay motionless on the ground, a single bullet hole in his forehead testament to Dhavan's deadly accuracy.

But Mylo's allies had managed to secure him in the confusion, disappearing into the night before they could be apprehended.

"We'll find them," Nik vowed, his eyes blazing with determination. "No matter where they hide, we'll track them down and make them pay for what they've done."

And with that solemn promise, they left the warehouse behind, their hearts heavy with the weight of their failure. But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope remained, a flicker of light in the shadows as they prepared to continue their relentless pursuit of justice.

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