Chapter 34-Unravelling Deceptions

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As the tension reached its peak, Nik's voice cut through the silence like a blade. "Ezra, we trusted you. How could you do this?" His words carried a mix of disbelief and betrayal, the weight of their shattered trust heavy in the air.

Ezra's lips curled into a cruel smile, her eyes glinting with malice. "Trust?" she scoffed. "You were nothing but pawns in our game, easily manipulated and discarded." Her words dripped with contempt, each syllable a dagger aimed at their hearts.

Dhavan's jaw tightened, his gaze unwavering as he faced their former ally. "You think you can just walk away from this? There will be consequences for your betrayal," he warned, his voice laced with determination.

But before Ezra could respond, the situation escalated with alarming speed. With a sudden movement, he drew his weapon, leveling it at Dhavan with deadly intent. Time seemed to slow as Nik reacted on instinct, throwing himself in front of his friend, his actions driven by a fierce loyalty that transcended words.

Bang!The gunshot rang out, the sound echoing through the alleyway like a thunderclap. Pain exploded through Nik's shoulder as the bullet grazed him, but he gritted his teeth against the agony, his focus unwavering as he absorbed the impact to shield Dhavan from harm.

As Nik stumbled back, clutching his wounded shoulder, Dhavan's eyes blazed with fury. "You coward," he spat, his voice thick with rage and disbelief. "You'll pay for what you've done."

But even as he spoke, Dhavan knew that their enemies were still out there, lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike again. With Nik injured and their trust shattered, they were more vulnerable than ever before, and the road ahead promised only more danger and uncertainty.

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