Chapter 38- Shadows Converged

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Inside the precinct, the atmosphere was tense as Detective Harrison meticulously analyzed the forensic reports. Nik leaned in, his expression grave as he absorbed the details. "What have you found, Harrison?" he inquired, his voice tinged with urgency.

Harrison, his brow furrowed in concentration, relayed the findings. "The venom from the snake bite matches that of a rare species found only in remote regions. It's not native to this area, indicating a deliberate choice of weapon," he explained, his tone measured.

Meanwhile, Dhavan prowled the perimeter, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a hawk-like intensity. As he ventured closer to the crime scene, a glint of fabric caught his eye—a piece of cloth, torn and weathered, lay discarded amidst the debris.

With a sense of determination, Dhavan retrieved the cloth, his mind racing with possibilities. Could this be a clue left behind by the perpetrator? Or merely a coincidence in the tapestry of shadows that enshrouded their investigation?

Back at their office, the trio convened to analyze the pieces of the puzzle they had gathered. Nik spread out the forensic reports on the table, his fingers tracing the intricate details. "The snake venom points to a calculated choice, not a random attack," he mused, his voice echoing with uncertainty.

Dhavan laid the piece of cloth before them, his gaze intense as he addressed his companions. "This cloth was found near the crime scene. It may seem insignificant, but in the labyrinth of shadows we navigate, every clue is a thread waiting to be unraveled," he declared, his tone resolute.

Together, they brainstormed, each contributing their insights and theories as they sought to unravel the enigma before them. As the shadows converged around them, they knew that their journey was far from over. But with determination and unity, they were ready to confront whatever lay ahead.

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