Chapter 15

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Another Friday, another chapter! Well, for me anyway. It's a bit later than I anticipated since editing took a lot longer than I anticipated

Anyway, enjoy another information filled chapter!


Lucia panted for air as she hopped from one foot to the other within an abandoned building, facing the swarm of phantoms in her way with her fists poised in front of her face defensively. She had already been facing them for what felt like days, maybe even weeks, but she wasn't sure. "They're not going to give up until they kill me. Or whenever they decide to pull me out of the chamber," she thought to herself. "Until then, I have all the reason to say this once again. I'll bring the hellfire."

Lucia ducked and weaved underneath two of the phantom's wild swipes. She struck one in the stomach and twisted the arm of the other before utilizing her new arm and completely snapped it off. She threw it to the side before she followed up with a spinning back kick that launched the phantom tumbling into a few others. Just as she put her foot back on the ground, there was a loud chorus of shrill shrieking. She winced and covered her ears slightly before she felt a set of claws lacerate her right arm.

Lucia quickly whirled around and lashed out with her left fist, punching a hole through the phantom's head without feeling any backlash. She grabbed the body before swinging it around into another one, followed by a solid hit to the stomach of a third. She blocked another strike from her left, cringing slightly from the sound of claws scraping against metal just as it screeched into her ear. She quickly wrapped her hand around its arm and twisted it. She quickly pulled it in front of her, then grabbed both sides of its head, and ripped it into two pieces. Its spine completely split down the middle until she held two halves of the phantom in each hand.

Lucia looked up at the remaining phantoms with a glint of malice in her eye. What she saw almost made her laugh. Out of everything she could have seen, she saw fear in their eyes. She smirked at the sight and tossed the pieces onto the ground before she prepared herself for another fight. She watched the phantoms carefully, but none of them advanced. She had already killed hundreds of them on her own after they ambushed her during this first episode alone. She had to move after every few minutes, otherwise she'd be caught and transferred to the next episode. She was able to keep herself clear of the creature so far, but it was constantly hunting her down.

Lucia exhaled slowly and stretched her left arm out directly at the phantoms. They all flinched at the quick movement, though remained where they were. She quickly beckoned the phantoms over in a quick gesture. She knew they understood what it meant, but all they did was shriek back. Just before she could move in and engage out of pure annoyance, Lucia heard the episode's creature. Her ears pricked up as she listened in. The moment she determined its position, she immediately took off at full sprint and easily broke through the phantoms without giving them a second to react.

From nearly two hundred feet behind her, only when they realized what happened, Lucia heard a chorus of screeching following her. She smirked and bolted through multiple hallways in the abandoned building before the chorus of phantoms cut off a moment later. "Lost that creature again, but I've still got phantoms on my tail. I don't have much of a choice once they portal hop."

Lucia ran through two more hallways, weaving between the intersections, before a phantom lunged out of the shadows and slammed into her from the left. Completely unharmed, Lucia grabbed it by its neck and whipped around, throwing it into the wall. It broke through the wall and stumbled, and she couldn't help but stand and laugh at the way its body tumbled. Just as she stopped to watch, she felt claws lacerate her spine. She winced slightly before she rammed her elbow back, hitting the phantom's neck, and followed with a backwards roundhouse kick.

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