Chapter 12

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It doesn't feel like a week since I last updated this, but it has... Bit funny, eh?

Anyway, we've got a lot of information being revealed this time around. I'd highly suggest sticking around for it all


Lucia sat alone in the corner of the cafeteria as she ate her lunch. She had already eaten most of it within the first ten minutes, trying to use food as a way to block out the shock from losing Five-Five-One-Three just three days prior. She remembered what he had said about resting for the injection. But she couldn't rest. Not after seeing him get ripped to pieces until nothing but his collar was left on the ground.

Lucia looked up when she heard footsteps approaching and saw both Ash and Felix walking up. She looked back down at the nearly empty tray sitting on the table in front of her, not feeling in the mood to talk, just like she had for the past days before. They had kept making an attempt to converse with her, but she didn't want anything to do with them. "I'll need one of them right now if I want this to work, so it looks like I'll have to talk anyway."

Lucia just sat there, and before either of the other two experiments could speak, she said, "Ash, I'm going to need your ability for a moment."

Ash paused, still standing next to his seat, before he asked, "What do you need it for? And why is that the first thing you wanted to say to us after like, two days?"

Lucia grabbed her water and said, "Just be prepared to pull the electrical charge out. Once it's out and the collar isn't working, give it back." She raised the water to her neck and thought to herself, "If this will even work."

Lucia didn't give either of the two experiments any time to react before she tipped the cup and poured the water directly over the collar where it met her neck. She felt a jolt after a few seconds before it completely disappeared and looked over at Ash. He had a large, pulsating orb of electricity in his hand that was sending large sparks down his arm. She waited for a few more seconds before she said, "I'm going to need that back."

Felix looked between Ash and Lucia before said, "You don't have a way to hold that much electricity. Not like Ash anyway."

Lucia shook her head. "No, I do. I still don't know how it works, but it works." She pulled her beanie off, revealing her horns to the two experiments for the first time. She pointed to them and said, "These can hold it."

Felix started at the horns for a bit, then over at the orb floating just above Ash's right hand. He looked up to look at Ash before he asked, "Are you sure she's not going to get herself killed?"

Ash shrugged before he inspected the electricity. He poked it with a finger before he said, "It's strong, but I think she'll be able to handle it. She also hadn't lied about this place. It's... disturbing, for a lack of a better terms."

Felix sighed and muttered, "That's true." He was silent for a bit longer before he said, "Fine. But if he does, can I know what you do? I've never been able to pick up your power while our powers aren't blocked."

Lucia looked between them both, her gaze flicking from side to side a few times every second. She sighed and said, "Fine. But only once."

Lucia held onto her beanie tightly as she watched Ash twirl the orb in his fingers. He pushed it around a bit before it started to float and flicked it directly towards Lucia. The initial jolt froze her entire body momentarily before the charge redirected to her horns. It settled down after a bit, and she gently shook her head to clear it. She took a deep breath before looking directly at Felix and asked, "What do you want to copy?"

Unknown ExperimentsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora