Ten small facts I

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1. His hair is naturally untidy, he just uses this to his advantage.
2. He hates tomatoes.
3. His father says that James could fly on a broom before he could even walk.
4. He can't sing. Really, he can't.
5. It's easy to tell when he's nervous. His eyes dart around, he can't keep still, and he keeps on messing up his hair.
6. He used to hate his glasses. When he was younger, he'd even break them on purpose. (Unfortunately, the reparo charm, exists.)
7. He doesn't strut. He just walks with a tinge of arrogance in his step.
8. He tends to hyperventilate when he's excited.
9. The marauders are his family. He would trust each one of them with his life. Never, in his worst nightmares, did he think they would betray him.
10. Sometimes, James Potter puts his trust in the wrong people.

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