Appearances II

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Then there's Black. That boy is something else, I'll say that. He always acts too rashly...

His clothes are usually a mess. Well....not exactly....
His posture, his hair, the way he's's the way a BLACK walks. But, his clothes, I know he wrinkles them on purpose. I know he uses Potters shirts, Peters robes, and ocassionally Remus' sweaters in place of his own. His family....well...I know there's something ODD going on.

One time, he came down to the common room late at night. I was studying and he didn't notice me. He was wearing really fine nightclothes, all in Slythering colors. He stared at the fire for a while, and went back up.

He does everything he can to remove the "Black" from himself. Sometimes, he tries to slouch down when he walks. Sometimes, he remembers that his tie is on straight so he loosens it. Sometimes, he glares at everyone for days on end when he recieves a letter from home.

Yes, there's something odd going on with Black. He might be just as arrogant as Potter, but...
He's definitely NOT a Black.

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