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a girl from the past

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a girl from the past



She looks up from where she'd been setting pencils out on the four fold-out tables set up for Sunday school, her sharp brows twitching at the tall, brown-haired man standing beside her father in a suit that looked a little too big for him, despite his tall, lanky frame. He shifts, pulling a worn leather card-holder out, briefly flashing the FBI ID card he's carrying before he tucks it away in his suit jacket again.

"FBI?" She questions quietly, her voice still echoing inside the wooden walls of the rickety building off the church, an old shed converted years ago into a makeshift place for the children to be during the mass services. "Why is the FBI getting involved with Lily and Trevor? It... it was suicide."

The man glances at her father, adorning his church clothes, draped in black robes with the white collar sitting stark against his neck. His graying hair is slicked back and he looks at his daughter with soft, worried eyes, unaware of the hesitant gaze the FBI agent is giving him.

She sees it, though, and shifts, pursing her lips. "You can come in. Daddy, would you go get me some printer paper from your office? I ran out and I need some for the kids,"

Her father nods dutifully, stepping back with a quick look at the agent. "If you need anything, Agent, I'll do my best to help you if my daughter can't."

The man nods gratefully and waits until her father is gone, the door shutting firmly behind him, before he turns and looks at her again.

"I'm very sorry for your loss, Miss..."

"Kit Kennedy. You can call me Kit, though,"

She reaches forward, shaking his hand softly.

"My name is Sam," He informs her, earning a nod. "I just wanted to ask you some questions about Lily and Trevor. It's hard to get to know someone through paper, you know?"

Kit smiles softly, nodding. "Lily wasn't really someone you could describe on paper, anyway. I can't imagine how many of her extracurriculars and all of her odd jobs you had to sort through. A day never passed where she wasn't doin' something new,"

A small smile pulls at Sam's lips. "She sounds like a wonderful girl,"

"She really was. One of the best. And Trevor just loved her," Kit looks down, shaking her head. "They met in a bar one night about two years ago– we were all out dancing and I ran off and left her, and the next day all Lily could talk about was that she'd met her soulmate. I hardly believed her, of course, but once they went on that first date they just... never stopped seeing each other."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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