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Day 2

You really need to stop this. Your sleep schedule is out of whack as it is. You groaned, slowly opening your eyes and blinking against the morning light. Right, you were supposed to hang out with Boboiboy and Gopal today though they didn't mention what time. Sitting up from the couch, you looked around, trying to gather your bearings.

Fang was sprawled out on the floor in a Yamcha's death pose and mouth slightly open. It would have been hilarious if you weren't so groggy. Glancing around, you noticed all your round friends were missing. Panic surged through you, and you shot up from the couch, rushing towards the door. Detectbot, sensing your distress, chirped up from your head, "They're hanging out with Ochobot at Tok Aba's Kokotiam. Boboiboy and Gopal are there too."

You exhaled in relief, pausing to catch your breath. "Thank fuck," you muttered, running a hand through your messy raven locks. Glancing back at Fang, still in his ridiculous pose, and shook your head with a fond smile. Deciding to let him sleep a little longer, you quickly got yourself ready. After hastily making and shoveling some kaya toast down your gullet, you washed up and threw on some fresh clothes—a white tee and dark blue jean shorts. You headed out.

As you approached Tok Aba's Kokotiam, the familiar sounds of chatter and laughter reached your ears. The aroma of hot chocolate and other delicious desserts wafted through the air, making your mouth water. But you knew better than to eat more; your stomach would get upset.

Boboiboy, Gopal, and the Power Spheras were gathered around a table, engaged in animated conversation. Ochobot was floating nearby, glowing softly. Boboiboy's Tok was behind the counter, smiling as he served customers. You practically froze at the sight of the elderly man. Crap how are you suppose to act? Looking at them in the eyes is rude right? Was there a traditional greeting? Be calm. Act normal. If they point anything out. Gaslight them. 

"Hey, there you are!" Boboiboy called out, waving you over. "We were starting to wonder if you'd ever wake up."

You chuckled nervously, joining them at the table. "Yeah, sorry about that. Rough night, ya know? Also, you guys didn't mention what time."

Boboiboy rubbed the back of his neck, a sheepish look on his face. "My fault. Sorry, Luhua."

Tok Aba approached, carrying a tray laden with drinks. "Good morning, Luhua. I've heard about you from Ochobot and Boboiboy. Here, try my special ice chocolate. It's on the house."

You thanked the older man shyly, taking the offered drink. You took a careful sip, and your eyes widen. "Ooooh yum!"

The iced chocolate was perfect—sweet but not too sweet, with a creamy and smooth texture that leaves a nice feeling on your tongue. You were more of a water person, but you could definitely see yourself enjoying this drink every other day. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming, the sounds of clinking glasses and cheerful conversation filling the air. You settled into your seat, feeling more at ease. Gopal and the Power Spheras were engaged in a playful debate about something. Boboiboy leaned in, grinning. "So, what did you think of the ice chocolate?"

"It's amazing," you replied, taking another sip. "I could drink this all the time."

Tok Aba beamed with pride. "I'm glad you like it. It's a special recipe I've perfected over the years."

As you enjoyed your drink, the conversation flowed easily with Boboiboy while Gopal was busy inhaling food. Boboiboy grinned. "We heard Fang was sleeping over at your place yesterday. We came over to check but heard music. Imagine our surprise when you were having a karaoke party with Fang of all people."

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