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Day 1 ?

The loud noise of chirping birds outside gradually roused you from your slumber, their cheerful melodies seeping into the room and coaxing you back to wakefulness. As you blinked groggily, your gaze wandered over the scene before you, taking in the peculiar sleeping arrangements of your friends.

Fang lay sprawled out, his head resting comfortably on your stomach, while Dreambot nestled at your feet, blissfully unaware of the potential danger of being accidentally kicked by you. Mapbot remained perched on the table, its metallic form unmoving in the early morning light, while Repairbot had somehow found its way into a nearby basket. And then there was Boostbot, nestled snugly against your neck, its presence a comforting weight against your skin.

As you shifted to sit up, a chorus of protests erupted from your protesting joints, reminding you of the toll last night's festivities had taken on your body. Every muscle seemed to ache in protest, a testament to the exuberance of the night before and the unexpected endurance test it had become. Rubbing your sore limbs, you suddenly remembered your appointment with the girls today. Panic surged through you as you whipped your head towards Boostbot, who was still offline.

"Psssst! Boostbot, wake up..! What time is it??" you whispered urgently.

Boostbot stirred, its eyes flickering open as it focused on you. "Um... uhhhhhh... 11:20 AM," it murmured sleepily.

String of random curses slipped from your mouth as you realized how little time you had left. Gently lifting Fang's head from your lap, you carefully placed him on the ground, letting him continue his sleep undisturbed. You tiptoed around the room, making sure not to wake the others, and then hurried off to the bathroom that was connected to your bedroom.

In the bathroom, you quickly washed up, the lukewarm water jolting you fully awake. Finishing your morning shower with swift efficiency, you brushed your teeth, your mind racing through the tasks ahead. Wrapping yourself in a towel, you opened your closet and grabbed a simple outfit: a short sleeve white tee, long Brunswick green techwear-style pants, and black wrist warmers. You dried your hair as much and as fast as possible, managing to get your front bangs dry while the back remained damp. Deciding to give up on fully drying your hair, you tied it into a high ponytail, letting the damp strands fall into place. Detectbot, perched on your head, adjusted itself, looking like a hair accessory that completed your look. Satisfied with your appearance, you took a deep breath and checked the living room. Only Boostbot was awake.

( da fit btw )

"Ok, Boostbot," you said, "when Fang wakes up, please ask—no, tell him to charge everyone else if he decides to go anywhere

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"Ok, Boostbot," you said, "when Fang wakes up, please ask—no, tell him to charge everyone else if he decides to go anywhere. Otherwise, watch yourselves, stay out of my kitchen, and be safe. I'll be back later today."

Boostbot nodded, replying cheerfully, "Oh, okay. Have fun! Don't get attacked~"

You sighed. "Don't even jinx it. Okay, I'm going."

"Interstellar Journey" || Boboiboy X OCWhere stories live. Discover now